CUBErt Lyrics
Defaced street lights
A pyramid mind fuck
Don't leave your seats now
Cliche people organs rare
Corn everywhere canned
Cliche people cannot dare, dare
Dare, dare
A fallen ruby
Guest vibrations
Don't leave your seats now
Cliche people organs rare
Humans everywhere, canned
Cliche people cannot dare, dare
Dare, dare
Cliche people organs rare
Humans everywhere, canned
Cliche people cannot dare
Humans everywhere, canned
Cliche people organs rare
Humans everywhere, canned
Cliche people cannot dare, dare
Dare, dare
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
The way the lyrics are printed in the booklet shows that rather than cubert (fun game!), it's CUBErt, as in cube root, a number that comes from dividing another by itself, then by the original number again.
I think it's about culture becoming dumber and dumber, with clichés everywhere that no-one dares question. We must sit and watch our society crumble like an audience in a theatre, with popcorn and mass-produced humanity (in cans).
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
No know what the song is about but I remember "Cubert" on the Atari 2600. it was funky game back in those days we're you're little character had to change all the characters on a 3D triangle board to a particular colour without getting hit by those pesky snakes. This goes with the "A pyramid mind fuck" lyrics which is similar to the game perhaps...
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
mmmmmmm...... humanity in a can........
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
I had to think long and hard, but this song is about one thing: thoughtless humans. Everybody is the same, no one really thinks. We just do as we're told.
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
Bam! Fishcakefish got it perfectly. We can't think for ourseleves and the stupid ignorant people just keep breeding and breeding and making more stupid people that can't think or question the status quo. Popcorn compares to the mass amount of stupid humans that are all just sitting around taking up space.
or so I think.
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
Serj stated that this song is about the people that dont care to take that extra step in life. this song is abuot society. we made the world into wat it is, and now we have defaced street lites and the world is in bad shape and run down. he is comparing pop corn to humans, who are constantly being mass produced and are jus taking up space. humans everywhere. we turned the earth into this and now we polute and ruin it. people are animals and are messed up and day by day are jus taking up more and more space.
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
I think this song is relating the video game "Q-Bert" to real life problems. Such as letting us watch the world as a movie. A PYRAMID(The game had pyramids) mind fuck. Just a thought.
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
people that don't dare to take that extra step in life?? Q-Bert was a game where the character had to go up and down steps
nice metaphor. . . . .if that's what he meant. . .I dont' know. . .
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
popcorn has to be related to our cultur, pop culture. a canned cliche couldmaybe as in info is held from us in the same manner as it is given. but we live, by some rare chance, we cannot dare. thats the vibe i got from the first part of the chorus.
![Cover art for CUBErt lyrics by System of a Down](
I interpret this song as more than just a political song. To me it conveys a scenario in which QDTs (Quantum Dimensional Travellers) explore our 3 dimensional world and corrupt everything we know including our ignorance regarding other dimensions outside of our view! It feels like Cubert or CUBErt (the game) was used to demonstrate this.
You see, outside of his 2 dimensional world (the screen) he is blissfully unaware that there are ‘humans everywhere’ looking into his world in an arcade with ‘popcorn everywhere’ being the messy world we live in!
Now, if we apply that logic into our 3 dimensional space, who is to say that there isn’t a 4th Dimension looking in on us from an angle we can’t see? We are the humans but also the Cuberts in their world! If you think about this whole scenario it’s like a ‘pyramid mind fuck’!!
Quantum Dimensional Travellers could be travelling through our world and we would never know? That is my interpretation of this song anyway.