Arnold Layne Lyrics
collecting clothes, moonshine washing lines
they suit him fine
distorted view, see through, baby blue
he got it
it takes two to know, two to know, two to know, two to know
why can't you see
Arnold Layne, Arnold Layne,
Arnold Layne
they gave him time, doors bang chaingang
he hated
Arnold Layne
Arnold Layne
don't do it again

Knicker nicker Arnold Layne!!

yeah, it's about this guy who used to board in Syd and Roger's childhood neighborhood and was always stealing women's underwear off of the clotheslines...names changed to protect the innocent, of course

This song is a very odd song. Syd Barrett is a fucking genius. IT is a shame what happend to him.

barrett imagined a name first then gaven him an unusual hobbie:collecting clothes;which caused outrage at the time because of 1969 and crossdressin,its pure pink floyd imagination

I don't think the LSD was the main reason he went crazy, cus Roger and Dave did LSD too, and they are both perfectly sane. I think the pressure of fame hurt him more than LSD.
The drugs certainly didn't help though

Here's what Rick Wright said, according to the 'Echoes' website:
"Syd came up with this song. It was his song. It was banned because of its lyrical content, which is quite extraordinary considering what goes down now. I think it's one of the best examples of Syd's work and mind. It's based on a true story, or rumour about a man who went around stealing knickers off washing lines. I sang the harmonies on it. It wasn't about love like so many songs at that time.
We have often considered doing it live, recently. It doesn't mean that much to me now, although I feel sentimental about it. It was a different incarnation of Pink Floyd"

syd was a hero lol end of story. yeah guys it's definitely about a crossdresser.

I used to go out with a woman who'd lived in Cambridge. She told me that her knickers had once been stolen by the guy who Arnold Layne was based on - which would suggest he was definitely a real person. She said it was pretty common knowledge in Cambridge that the song was about this guy.
@losttango I wonder how she knew who pinched her panties. Maybe he left a calling card.
@losttango I wonder how she knew who pinched her panties. Maybe he left a calling card.

Like no ****, when can we start talking about what the words in the song mean?
@nanaka1173 i think the distorted mirror, see through baby blue means the writer or maybe everybody can see what is he up to
@nanaka1173 i think the distorted mirror, see through baby blue means the writer or maybe everybody can see what is he up to

its about a crossdresser?
The song is about a guy who got drunk and stole womens underwear. The song implies that he also put the underwear on and posed in front of a mirror. It also says he was locked up in jail (probably for theft and this very reason). The song also says "it's not the same, it takes 2 to know" which implies Syd Barrett also did this. People cross dressing today is still frowned upon by many people, so admitting this in 1960 would have been completely out of the question. By writing this, he wrote in story form and takes...
The song is about a guy who got drunk and stole womens underwear. The song implies that he also put the underwear on and posed in front of a mirror. It also says he was locked up in jail (probably for theft and this very reason). The song also says "it's not the same, it takes 2 to know" which implies Syd Barrett also did this. People cross dressing today is still frowned upon by many people, so admitting this in 1960 would have been completely out of the question. By writing this, he wrote in story form and takes on an experienced and sympathetic point of view... Sometimes people have something to say and don't want to admit or say it at the same time so they put it in a story or riddle form. You just have to listen with your mind and make sense of the totality.
Based on a true story. Syd and Rogers mothers used to talk about a man who would steal from the washing lines in people's backyards.
Based on a true story. Syd and Rogers mothers used to talk about a man who would steal from the washing lines in people's backyards.