Cautioners Lyrics
i watched you go from left to right
i followed you all night across my blinds
making it with distance
maybe that's a big mistake
you know i'm thinking of you
i miss you
take your steps away with hesitance
take your steps away from me

have you ever known someone who you knew, you knew would walk away. every time you took them back, they would change their mind, and turn their back. so you make your peace with distance, but its not so easy to forget. as much as this person weighs on your heart you're not foolish enough to let them in again.
it was new years eve, and she was wrapped around me. brien was playing music from my computer, cautioners comes on. she's sleeping on my as i sit on the couch, party around me. i tell brien, i wont ever forget this moment. i knew it was over before it began, i knew her path regardless of how i felt. so i took the night as it came and watched her walk away, and never forgot.

how has no one commented on this yet. this is the most emotional song they've done. i think its about a guy who has been dumped by his girlfriend and is feeling the worst he's ever felt. looking at pictures, watching her across the street, but never showing how sad he is so not to upset her. the vocal harmonies in this are so beautiful, it kills me just listening to it. everyone should hear this so they know what real emo sounds like.

this song reminds me of this asshole in the summer who i liked, but he turned out to be using me. this song described how i felt after we...well...not broke up but weren't friends anymore.

This is the first song of Jimmy Eat World that I ever heard, it was actually off the split EP with Jebidiah. If u haven't heard that version you should, for me its so much more powerful. I don't think any other song pulls more strings than when he sings 'you I'm thinking of you, I miss you'. This whole song applies so strongly to me and the girl that's involved is actually the one that introduced this song to me in the first place.

Simplistic .. thanks for your feelings on this song. With such intelligent and mature insight, I truely feel enlightend. I'm sure your parents are proud of you. You are surely a pillar of authority regarding what music is good, what music people should like, and what music people shouldn't like; your wisdom will be a beacon of hope for those unable to have thier own opinions.
Moving along from the troll...
JEW = very emotional, and very powerful. I've seen JEW play before and it's been an amazing experience. This is my fave song off the new album.
To me, it's about being paralyzed after a very important relationship has ended: The time I would spend on pictures I wouldn't send .. summarizes it perfectly. Damn.

I heard this song a thousand times before realizing how deep the lyrics are. To me it's about my ex... she had a bf when I met her and we fell in love... the last time I saw her she said she needed to just stop loving me in order for her to give her bf another chance... it didn't break my heart, it pulverized it... but I let her go... I wonder if she ever regreted letting go the man that loved her the most... ever.

So he really likes some girl who doesn't exactly feel the same, but he doesn't exactly know. Classic JEW it.

Yeah, tis pretty darn good

this is the bestest song on their new cd ~ i luv it

alf...youre so sweet
this song tears me apart everytime i hear it...weird that follows it...too upbeat after my heart is crushed...