22 Meanings
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Palo Alto Lyrics

In a city of the future
It is difficult to concentrate
Meet the boss, meet the wife
Everybody's happy
Everyone is made for life

In a city of the future
It is difficult to find a space
I'm too busy to see you
You're too busy to wait

But I'm okay, how are you?
Thanks for asking, thanks for asking
But I'm okay, how are you?
I hope you're okay too

Everyone one of those days
When the sky's California blue
With a beautiful bombshell
I throw myself into my work
I'm too lazy, I've been kidding myself for so long

I'm okay, how are you?
Thanks for asking, thanks for asking
But I'm okay, how are you?
I hope you're okay too
Song Info
Submitted by
shut On Nov 22, 2001
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22 Meanings

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Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead

Another negative utopia caused by high technology and the ideal lifestyle being empty. Basically the underlying theme of OK Computer.

i agree it's almost a summary of what OK Computer says to me...I can't believe this track didn't make the album. In fact, when i burn OK Computer for someone I always add this song as the closing track as if it is part of the album.

Not Valid
Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead

I live in Palo Alto. Lots of people call it Shallow Alto.

i live there too. that's a great alter name... never heard that one actually

Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead

It amazes me that a song attacking Palo Alto (a city which I actually like, but that's notwithstanding)could be written pre-Facebook. In that way, it's almost prophetic.

My Opinion
Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead

Fun fact... one of the working titles for this song was "The OK Computer!"

Life Struggles
Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead

This song reminds me of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Both the book and the song give the same feeling of being numb, drowned in conformist fake happiness.

Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead

The piece that sticks out the most to me:

I'm okay, how are you? Thanks for asking, thanks for asking But I'm okay, how are you? I hope you're okay too

It shows how routine some people walk in and out of conversation without thought for the person. Yorke really nailed it.

Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead

Palo Alto is a city in the Bay Area in California, and Radiohead said in an interview that they played a concert there and were astounded at how it seemed to be the "city of the future." They think America in general is weird. I used to live in Palo Alto, and I loved it!! --goodbyeskyharbor, are you at high school? Maybe we know some mutual ppl!

Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead

I haven't heard this song before, but was intrigued simply because I was born in Palo Alto. Ain't that somethin. ...No? Ok.

Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead


Cover art for Palo Alto lyrics by Radiohead

Wow this is a cool song. I just moved to Palo Alto, and it's my first year at Paly. in fact I live right by the high school. It's really tough bein the new guy there. Making friends at this school is a real hassle.. everyone seems to already have all the friends they coudl want already cuz they're all rich prep snobs. But not everyone. there are a few cool people there.