You and I Both Lyrics
All things are gonna happen naturally
Oh, taking your advice and I'm looking on the bright side
And balancing the whole thing.
And the bright light turns to night
Oh, until the dawn it brings
Another day to sing about the magic that was you and me
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
Others only read of, of the love
Of the love that I loved
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words;
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages forwards.
More words than I had ever heard, and I feel so alive.
What you and I spoke of (of, of)
And others just read of
And if you could see me now
Oh, you and I, you and I
Not so little you and I anymore
More importantly evolving is the glory of a boy
What you and I spoke of (of, of)
And others just read of
And if you could see me now
Well, then I'm almost finally out of
I'm finally out of
I'm finally deedeedeedeedeedee
Well I'm almost finally, finally
Well I am free
Oh, I'm free
Oh, just remember the telephones
well, they work in both ways
But if I never ever hear them ring
If nothing else I'll think the bells inside
Have finally found you someone else and that's okay
Cause I'll remember everything you sang
What you and I spoke of (of, of)
And others just read of
and if you could see me now
Well, then I'm almost finally out of
I'm finally out of
I'm finally deedeedeedeedeede
Well I'm almost finally, finally
Out of words

The first stanza describes how he was fooled or betrayed by this girl who said that "things would happen but not to [him]." But even though this girl left him, he is not deterred and instead of feeling self pity or anger towards her, he is balancing things and reflecting, almost praising the magic that he had with this one girl. The rest of the song shows of the love that this couple had. But also, it shows how the guy is a better person because of his relationship with this girl ("And with this silence brings a moral story more importantly evolving is the glory of a boy"). The chorus tells us that the love that they had was not in vain, that he knew she loved him and that she knew he loved her. I think "words" are a metaphore for love. It makes love real, because they spoke these words that professed their feelings for each other, hundreds of pages of words. "Ununcumbered numbered words" is a contradictory phrase because unencumbered means boundless and free, while numbered implies placed in a certain order or of a set order. I think this goes to show that even though the couple had their differences, the words and the love they shared could not be denied. The great mesage of this song, in my opinion, is that how jason mraz looks at the good that results from a breakup. I mean, of course it's sad that he's not with his girl anymore, but instead of sulking in misery or feeling sorry for himself, he comes out of this relationship a more complete person. He even says that it's okay if she found another guy because he will always remember what she sang. That is truly beautiful. He is the bigger man because anyone can find reasons to be bitter towards his former lover. This song fits the old saying of how "it is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." The guy in the song understands that sometimes, relationships don't workout for inexplicable reasons and he does not dabble in trying to find out why. And as a result, instead of heartbreak, he has everlasting memories of love.
Thank you so much for that interpretation, reqicider. That was truly uplifting and I agree with everything you said. Having just gotten out of a relationship myself, this song now has special meaning for me.
Thank you so much for that interpretation, reqicider. That was truly uplifting and I agree with everything you said. Having just gotten out of a relationship myself, this song now has special meaning for me.

No, you're right!! This song is definitely about having been in love...I think the relationship had split when the song was written though...I think it's reflecting back on the relationship and he's saying he loves her so much still, but if she would be happy with someone else he would still be happy for her...I love the lines: But often times those words get tangled up in lines And the bright lights turn to night Until the dawn it brings A little bird who'll sing about the magic that was you and me !!
this song will one day be playing on the stereo's of thousands!! Jason is so friggin talented....

Tee hee, I watched a performance of this on and before he sang it, he said that it's about a girl who had left her lover/boyfriend in his bed to make him eggs, but when he woke up, he thought she had left him, so he wrote it from that perspective.
Hi, on the Jason Mraz live dvd he says it's about a girl that he had a relationship with. The girl helped him with his song writing. It seems she has influenced him to this day. He added the lyric unencumbered as a nod to her.
Hi, on the Jason Mraz live dvd he says it's about a girl that he had a relationship with. The girl helped him with his song writing. It seems she has influenced him to this day. He added the lyric unencumbered as a nod to her.

Jason is so amazing and this song def. signifies his talent and ability to write such beautiful lyrics. I love the chorus, "you and I both loved what you and I spoke of and others just read of." This song is just so beautiful and it honestly makes you realize that love isn't about "numbers", it's all about those words.

Jason is so amazing and this song def. signifies his talent and ability to write such beautiful lyrics. I love the chorus, "you and I both loved what you and I spoke of and others just read of." This song is just so beautiful and it honestly makes you realize that love isn't about "numbers", it's all about those words.

This is my favorite Jason Mraz song! Everything about it rocks... the lyrics, the music, his voice, oh man. How can you not love it??

This song is basic. It's about a story book romance that...wasn't. Nice perspective on a tired subject, and the vocals are immaculate.

"Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me"
This song had me hooked from the very first line. Anyways, I think this is a song about two people who love each other very much but understand that their love might not last forever ("if nothing else I'll think the bells inside/have finally found you someone else") but if that happens, they'll still have positive memories about the relationship ("I'll remember everything you sang").
But, I could be totally wrong :)

i adore this song. it's the kind of song you can listen to on repeat endlessly and still find beauty in it each time it plays. the line "i'm all about words...over numbers" and the way he sings it catches me every time. yay jason mraz!!