Lies Lyrics
Sealed with lies through so many tears
Lost from within, pursuing the end
I fight for the chance to be lied to again
You will never be good enough
You were never conceived in love
You will not rise above
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me
Birthing a dawn to this endless night
Arms outstretched, awaiting me
An open embrace upon a bleeding tree
I have lived and I died for you
Abide in me and I vow to you
I will never forsake you
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me
I have lived and I died for you
Abide in me and I vow to you
I will never forsake you
I'll never be
I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger
Burning deep inside of me

I think it took more energy for you to type out "(I don't want to have to keep typing it out) " then it would have if you typed the whole name of them.

This song isn't about a relationship. This song is about Jesus...
"But through my tears breaks a blinding light"
Jesus was often described that way in the Bible
"Arms outstretched awaiting me"
Again..Same as above..
"An open embrace upon a bleeding tree"
Bleeding tree = Cross Jesus was crucifed on
"Rest in me and I'll comfort you I have lived and I died for you Abide in me and I vow to you I will never forsake you"
Bruce from Living Sacrifice screams this part. All of these things were spoken by Jesus. If you know anything about Living Sacrifice, you know that Bruce isn't gonna scream along in a lovesong..
I don't really think it's about the bible. If I did I wouldn't listen to the song but really a song has slightly different meanings to different people. So to that one person it's whatever this song means to them.
I don't really think it's about the bible. If I did I wouldn't listen to the song but really a song has slightly different meanings to different people. So to that one person it's whatever this song means to them.
@Violetstorm I think it is about trying to find the truth, but only finding lies. Christianity being an example of the many lies about the truth that others tell.
@Violetstorm I think it is about trying to find the truth, but only finding lies. Christianity being an example of the many lies about the truth that others tell.

Another great Evan.(I don't want to have to keep typing it out) song. I think there is an especially great guitar piece in the chorus. Really...I can't get a very good idea of meaning from this song. I get the impression that someone is being lied to, and it's taking a toll on them, though.

I think it took more energy for you to type out "(I don't want to have to keep typing it out) " then it would have if you typed the whole name of them.

where can u find these songs that arnt on the fallen cd?

Find them on Kazaa
I think this song talks about someone in a relationship thats really only 1 way. They love, but the love isnt returned by the other person. In all probability he should split, and not hurt himself more because of her but he cant leave because he loves her too much. So hes caught between hating her, and loving her, his heart fluttering at the sight of her and at the same time burning with anger...

I see in this song many religious parallels. Some people get annoyed with these sorts of comments, but to each his own. "I have lived and I died for you.. I will never forsake you..I'll struggle on and on to feed this hunger burning deep inside of me..But through my tears breaks a blinding light.." etc. I'm not trying to 'force' my religion on anyone, but it's what i see in this bop bopb op
yeah, i believe you are correct.
yeah, i believe you are correct.

This song is about a relationship that just isn't entirely working. This song is so energetic, i love it....i love you evanescence!!!!!!

the song is about jesus..and also take into mind that evanescence is a christian band, so the talk about jesus is true.
i think they WERE a christian group before fame and fortune.
i think they WERE a christian group before fame and fortune.
i know
i know

yo corndog probably has the most logical and most backed up meaning to this song so i must give it up to you and say thanks for a great explination of this song.