New Abortion Lyrics
They stick to my skin like beloved cysts
I tear away with my nails and teeth and fists
Touch the hands of inverted saints
Follow my heart through the threaded pain
Callow man is a sentinel screaming
I see the future; the future is bleeding
Like a virus, you will never kill me now
Goin' underground, comin' on like hepatitis
We're out - and you can't reshape us
Another bug in the construct
Tearin' up the main bus B
Zeros and ones are everything - execute me
Their fingerprints are hidden by CONTROL
This is where the line is drawn, see
Gotta retract - everybody get back
What is this? It's like a big conspiracy
Fields of dejected morbid progeny
They always say that it's always our fault
But everything we say is taken with a grain of salt
Man, it's always the same, if we talk or complain
We only wanna upset the balance
How's it feel to be the New Abortioin?
The only generation to suffer extortion
Their fingerprints are hidden by CONTROL
This is where the line is drawn, see

This song for all of the maggots. About all of the kids that are robbed of their identities, forced to grow up without finding their real selves because they have to follow in line.

oh and bean boy..the percussionists are a derivative of the original meaning slipknot was ever actually put together back in the early 90's...shawn wanted slipknot to be different than other bands..anders wanted tribal percussion added..because no one else had it and he basically thought it was cool..the the one who actually created the band..they actually dont just bang on whatever..and if you actually paid attention you'd fuckin know that..listen to prosthetics..listen to the hyper version of spit it out..listen to carve..listen to the entire mate.feed.kill.repeat album..and you'll understand it..and if you think they suck thats you as slipknot2002 said..get a life and stop putting down other people's music..if you hate it so goddamned much THEN DONT FUCKING LISTEN TO IT THEREFORE YOU DONT HAVE TO PUT IT DOWN SO GODDAMNED MUCH


Well said 666 kill me 666!!! BeanBoy=SHIT

This song is about all of us sticking together. Except you punk fucks. You stay out of our circle.

This song is titled New Abortion. The whole song is summed up by the line after the realization has been made,"Hows it feel to be the new abortion? The only generation to suffer EXTORTION. This song is about females having children with whoever will fuck them and then extorting those men to pay for those children via child support. Extorting fathers for money to see their children. This song is about Jezebel. THIS SONG IS ABOUT YOUR SLUT MOTHER WHO FUCKED EVERTRHING THAT MOVED SO SHE COULD LIVE OFF OF THE CHILD SUPPORT!!!

Exactly, Purity! Damn right..

It's about how the government forces people to abide by their rules. The chorus (Everywhere, you look it's like they know...) pretty much explains the whole meaning of the song.

how does it feel to be the new abortion? the only generation to suffer extortion....
nothing we have is, movies, everything in our youth culture is created from the minds and ideas of the baby boomers and the older Generation X'ers....
everytime we do find something, they steal it, water it down, repackage it and commercialize it....

thats a really good way to put it.... ~heather~