82 Meanings
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My Last Breath Lyrics

Hold on to me love
You know I can't stay long
All I wanted to say was
I love you and I'm not afraid

Can you hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms
Holding my last breath?
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you

Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight.

I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree

I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears.
Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you.

Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight.

Closing your eyes to disappear
You pray your dreams will leave you here,
But still you wake and know the truth -
No one's there.

Say goodnight, don't be afraid
Calling me, holding me, as you fade to black.

(Say goodnight) Holding my last breath
(Don't be afraid) Safe inside myself
(Holding me) Are my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight.
Song Info
Submitted by
anifinder On Mar 12, 2003
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82 Meanings

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Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

Suicide and how she doesnt want to die alone but with her lover, hoping he/she will be there after death.

"I'll miss the winter A world of fragile things Look for me in the white forest Hiding in a hollow tree"

Those lines are perfect.

"I know you hear me I can taste it in your tears."

Maybe she killed herself and her love is said, so she calls to him, beckoning him to join her.

That's really good! She's a ghost and she's trying to communicate with the one she loves. The person still living starts crying because he/she feels the presence of the ghost. So the she (the ghost) says "I know you can hear me. I can taste it in your tears."

But that could also apply to my choking scenario (way after your post)... She's choking and trying to plead for him to stop killing her. She says to him, "I know you can hear me. I can taste it in your tears." He's crying because he's so upset...

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Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

this song is about "I will just call her Amy Lee as she writes all their music" A.Lee has died and she is telling her love good bye as she is passing away, holding her last breath, saying she cant stay long but she loves him and shes not afraid to leave

1)Hold on to me love You know I can't stay long All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid

she says she will miss the winter and a world of fragile things.she is leaving here.

2)I'll miss the winter A world of fragile things Look for me in the white forest Hiding in a hollow tree.

the white forest, refrences, the world of the dead (ie) ghosts.......hiding in hallow tree.....

very beautiful song, it only blows my mind that A.Lee is so full of wisdom, for only a 22 year old woman...where does she draw from, my thoughts would be that of devine insite she is very truely awesome!!!!

Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

Oh my god this is so sad. This is my worst fear and for someone merely 21 (maybe she is 22 now) to actually visiualize this or perhaps she experienced it with the lost of a loved one, it takes a lot of courage.

But this is one of the biggest reasons why I want to progress spiritually. To have the knowledge that there is more to this life and a person does not just "fade to black." That they have moved on and someday I'll be able to celebrate eternity with them.

Perhaps Amy, and of course, Ben Moody for he has a big role in bringing this music to life to ironically give you the feeling of death, are trying to convey how much emotion and love will remain within the departing soul from their experiences with their lover.

It would make me feel so much better if all the love and effort I gave to someone to make both of us truly happy together (and of course vice versa), would not just dissipate. And that is where I happily can say that I'm glad I learned science. Because to know that matter cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed, I do believe emotions do not simply disappear.

The thing that I see that makes this song so powerful is how the roles are switched. As in "I'll miss the winter A world of fragile things" The departing lover knows that he/she will be in a safe place. A place where pain and suffering is no longer felt. Yet it is the one left alive that is truly dying, for that person is the one desperately listening and crying those tears to be tasted.

Once again the lyrics and music forge a truly powerful song, for the one that suffers is not the one who dies, but the people around them.

Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

I always thought it was about two people talking on the phone, one about to die because they're on one of the 911 planes, and the "surviving" half of the couple ends up wandering the streets of New York, being hollow from the loss. Refer to "The Hollow Men". esp the last stanza.

In that context, the song is a conversation, each dies, each lives, each fades to black.

Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

Sorry I accidently submitted my last comment but I wasn't finished

Okay this is my interpretation of the song:

I see singer lying down in a misty forest, her love is kneeling over her, and she is telling him to never forget her, that she will be waiting for him in the after world. So he is waiting and waiting for his time to pass. Remembering her he dreams about her, but the dreams are not good enough. (Closing your eyes to disappear You pray your dreams will leave you here, But still you wake and know the truth - No one's there.) Then in the end he kills hiself to be with her (Calling me, holding me, as you fade to black. Sweet raptured light It ends here tonight.)

Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

Amazing song....Truely Amazing. This song is about just holding on for too long, holding on to someone for awhile. This song is a lifting up song that is just all around amazing. Iam above and beyond their biggest fan ALIVE.......Download all their stuff....you'll fall in love with it

Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

i love evanescence too! they are definetly my favorite band and this is one of my favorite songs, i have all their songs downloaded and i have the new fallen cd, but does anybody know where i can get the Origin cd?

do you have the fallen (deluxe Edition) cd. It's only availible on their website. And idk where you can get the origin cd. I like the chorus because of the distortion and the lyrics.

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Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

i love evanescence too! they are definetly my favorite band and this is one of my favorite songs, i have all their songs downloaded and i have the new fallen cd, but does anybody know where i can get the Origin cd?

Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

Amy Lee, and the band are truely amazing, there are alot of people that would shoot me for this, but dare I say the best thing I have heard since QueensRyche. Amy Lees voice has made me believe in angels, and the band is just ear candy, together they are the meaning of listening utopia.....

Cover art for My Last Breath lyrics by Evanescence

I see this song as being about suicide, personally, even though I can't put my finger on any particular phrase pointing to that. She's dying in her lover's arms, and wants to make sure that he knows she'll be okay.

The verse "I'll miss the winter/A world of fragile things/Look for me in the white forest/Hiding in a hollow tree (Come find me)" seems to be inviting her lover to join her in the afterlife, and I've always pictured the two of them walking together after death in a wintertime forest.