I'll Do Anything Lyrics
And if you're looking for a boy with a voice, well baby I'm single
Are you in the mood for some dude, are you in the mood to be subdued
Or would you rather just mingle?
Let's get set then to go then and let us jet set we'll be like the jetsons
You can be Jane my wife. Should I marry Jane tonight?
We can be cool in the gang if you'd rather hang
Ain't no thing. I can be lacubrious with you.
I got no ifs ands ors no wits or whats about it
But this place is getting crowded and my house is two blocks away
Or maybe closer
You know I would, if I could. I'll do anything spontaneously.
So go on and try it, do not deny yourself your freedom.
See you better act fast because supplies they never
Now did you knowÉ this is limited time offer
So go make your mind up before our times up
You better start winding it up because the party's almost over
(and if you should know girl, go a little bit lower now)
You know I would, and I can prove it. I'll do anything spontaneously

Jason playing the field in a song.. You've got to love that.

this song is awesome i'm surprised nobody else commented.

This song was actually based on Jason's friend, Billy "Bushwalla" Galewood. The story goes that one night in the coffeeshop where they were performing, Bushwalla busted out all these one-liners, like "Are you in the mood for some dude" and Jason copied then all down and fit them into this nifty little song.

i wouldnt mind being picked up by jason mraz especially if he ask me if i am in the mood for some dude. This i gotta say is the reason i bought the cd because he is so sexy the way he is sugessting all these things that i would go home with him for a one nighter. Another fave of mine is " we can keep chillin like ice cream fillin', we can b kool in the gang if u'd rather hang..." love that line LOVE IT

....used some of the lines on this song for pickin up chicks.... it worked xD.... movin on.... pretty much courting some chick... they could either be friends or lovers....it's all good.... but he'd rather be lovers since he's really attracted to her.....

It's about picking up a chick, but in a casual way. Like we can hang or get down or do what ever. He rolls with the punches in life and thinks others would be happy if they did too.
Also "lacubrious" is not a word, it could be "lugubrious", which means to be Mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree.

i think the line after the jetsons should be 'mary' jane instead of marry. haha, just a thought.

^^ i'm pretty sure that it's both. like a play on words, because mary jane is a common name, and marrying jane. just a thought

mary jane is also pot lol. so yeah. i watched his live performance of this somewhere and it was amazing because he just totally adlibbed the entire thing
"I just bumped my hat on the mic tonight, and I say that's alright, that's alright, that's alright, casue I ain't holdin the headphones....yooooo aaaaaa. "
shows how talented he is to make that come out of absolutely nowhere. he's my like future 8th husband.
andrew mcmahon of soco/jm is the very last :)

Should I marry Jane tonight? Should I smoke pot tonight?