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Everybody's Fool Lyrics

Perfect by nature
Icons of self indulgence
Just what we all need
More lies about a world that

Never was and never will be
Have you no shame? Don't you see me?
You know you've got everybody fooled

Look, here she comes now
Bow down and stare in wonder
Oh, how we love you
No flaws when you're pretending
But now I know she

Never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled

Without the mask, where will you hide?
Can't find yourself lost in your lie

I know the truth now
I know who you are
And I don't love you anymore

Never was and never will be
You don't know how you've betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled

It never was and never will be
You're not real and you can't save me
And somehow now you're everybody's fool
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Submitted by
rjbucs28 On Jun 20, 2003
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Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

During an interview, Lee explained: "My little sister was really getting into these, I don't want to offend anyone, but like really fake, cheesy, slutty female cracker-box idols, and it really pissed me off. She started dressing like them and she was like 8 years old. So I gave her the talk and I wrote a song." She later revealed that the song was written for American pop singers Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera adding, "At this point, everybody knows that Britney is fake. The song is not about Britney Spears; it's about a lot of people in this industry. It's so fake, the whole Hollywood thing. 'Look at how perfect I am!' Nobody looks like that. It's all fake and it's really hurting a lot of girls' and women's self images. Where are all the normal people?"

Song Meaning
Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

shes talking about herself..to herself..shes living a lie and hates herself for it but has to upkeep her "image", hasnt anyone seen the music video?!?

but thats just my interpretation cauz thats kinda my situation and no one has mentioned anything about that type of one yet..

Guess I'm 13 years late to the party. But, although that is not actually the case, I admit this is how I hear it as well. The song is just so much more intense and moving when it is turned inward like that, rather than just being the catty rant it actually is.

Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

The part of the song where Amy Lee sings "I Know The Truth Now..." is awesome.

That's when the tables turn!

@MrKASADY totally agree!

Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

this song reminds me of somebody who pretended to be my friend, he did this for three months before telling me that he hated me the entire time. He is a worthless liar and a piece of shit. This song describes it so perfectly. I dedicated it to the person that hurt me, and he actually congratulated me for picking such a fitting song... and told me to drop dead, so, thank you Evanescence, and fuck you skyler


I agree with you there my ex best friend did the same to me. He portrayed everything a person could want in a friend. Though he used me so much and hurt me really bad. Anyways since i ended the friendship due to his controlling ways ive sinced realised he has become everybody's fool. Im so glad to have people like that out of my life and its a true blessing in disguise for he never was my friend and never will be. Great song my a great band a song that can be interpretated in so many different ways!

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Before watching the music video I too saw a fake friend I had in these lyrics. Through the end of the song, the one who made the singer "Everybody's fool" has become the fool themselves, so I realized I just had to wait for the fake friend's mask to fall. And it did.

Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

I've listened to this song so many times not because it's her greatest song ever (even thought it's definitely up there) but it's the ultimate "tell a person off" song!

This is about a person that everyone sees as so perfect on the outside but by superficial nature this person is lost in fear and the uglyness is kept underneath a shell--a "flawless" facade.

And so while so many people like sheep "Bow down and stare in wonder" this person knows the truth of her.

Over and over I can relate to this and that's why I'm always going back to listening to this song. I'm a person who is empathic (able to detect other people's feelings -- kind of like psychic except on an emotional level) and so I see so much of the truth of others. Especially somebody I'm in a relationship with. And most of the time I can see how they appear so strong and beautiful, but inside they have internal conflicts and uglyness.

Everyone holds things inside of them to a certain degree. If it's not dealt with sometime in their life then it starts to fester and eat them alive. A person can only hide for so long.

"You don't know how you've betrayed me "

This person was hurt by this "perfect" person. And she sees just how ugly the person is.

I love the ending to this song. Because now the person will sooner or later be exposed and now she is "everybody's fool"

Uglyness can seriously be dealt with. I have taken a long journey inside of me to deal with past regrets, suffering, and aggression. From the time you're a child depending on who you are, you carry the pain within you and sometimes it never heals. Not until you deal with it. It takes time but it is so worth it.

Well more specifically, this song's about her(the singer) being the perfect person and hating her own fake self. She was hurt by the fact that everyone thinks she's perfect but she knows she isn't so she was betrayed by the perfect image of herself. "have you no shame don't you see me?" she wants everyone to see the real her and not her made up image. I guess you could interpret it either way but watch the music video to it on YouTube and you'll see where I'm coming from. It's actually one of my favorite music videos :]...

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Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

i believe this song is about the popular one everyone knows and loves, and how someone discovers that persons deepest secret: s/he is really an insecure and depressed and scared little child.

Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

Ummmm no it's definitley about herself. She's tired of faking and pretending to be beautiful and talented when really she hates herself. The music video illustrates this amazingly, especially where she's in all the commercials, and where she's yelling at herself in the mirror. If you look at the lyrics it can go both ways, but the video really shows her self hatred and that where she seems to be mocking pop icons, she's really mocking herself.

Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

(TO MAN ON TV) Now if they really sucked do you think they would even have a record deal....hmmmm?

Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

Wow this is the first time I've come back to this site since its re-opened! And I had to come back to this song!

DyingNovae, I wrote my comment before the music video ever came out but your approach to it seems very good (and of course it supports the video). Anyone who loves Evanescence must SEE THIS VIDEO NOW! It is very creepy and has some twists that just make you think what kind of world is constantly trying to subject us!

About the troll, you know who, ignore him/her. There are always trolls on every board trying to say something to get a rise out of people. I personally love this band because it has gotten me through so many hard times (suicidal thoughts included).


Cover art for Everybody's Fool lyrics by Evanescence

This song makes me think of a girl who sees everything on tv, in magazines, at the mall, movies, everything and anything that advertising what a girl should look like and be. She realizes she can try and try but will never become the 'ideal' woman. She learns the truth, that there is no 'perfect' woman and these ads are just a bunch of lies, fakes, fooling everyone into thinking this is what society really is like when it is not. The song is very powerful, very inspirational, and probably one of the best songs I've heard yet.

Song Meaning