89 Meanings
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October Lyrics

I can't run anymore
I fall before you
Here I am
I have nothing left
Though I've tried to forget
You're all that I am
Take me home
I'm through fighting it

I give up
You're my only strength
Without you
I can't go on
Ever again

My only hope
(All the times I've tried)
My only peace
(To walk away from you)
My only joy
My only strength
(I fall into your abounding grace)
My only power
My only life
(And love is where I am)
My only love

I can't run anymore
I give myself to you
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry
In all my bitterness
I ignored
All that's real and true
All I need is you
When night falls on me
I'll not close my eyes
I'm too alive
And you're too strong
I can't lie anymore
I fall down before you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

My only hope
(All the times I've tried)
My only peace
(To walk away from you)
My only joy
My only strength
(I fall into your abounding grace)
My only power
My only life
(And love is where I am)
My only love

Constantly ignoring
The pain consuming me
But this time it's cut too deep
I'll never stray again

My only hope
(All the times I've tried)
My only peace
(To walk away from you)
My only joy
My only strength
(I fall into your abounding grace)
My only power
My only life
(And love is where I am)
My only love
My only hope
(All the times I've tried)
My only peace
(To walk away from you)
My only joy
My only strength
(I fall into your abounding grace)
My only power
My only life
(And love is where I am)
My only love
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89 Meanings

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Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

The meaning of this song is pretty obvious. It's about finding love where you least expected it, being a little objective to it at first, but then realizing that you are meant to be with this person.

Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

I don't understand why people automatically assume songs are in reference to Christ. I think the song is what you make it of it yourself. It seems that both meanings are applicable.

Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

OK, first of all Evanescence has never been a Christian band in the sense that they have never made music specifically for the propagation of Christianity. People who know nothing about recording labels and genres don’t seem to understand that CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) is a specific niche market genre in the music world. As far as I know they have never been a part of that. They definitely are not now. I don’t know the hearts of every member of the band but I know that Amy Lee thanked the ‘Lord Jesus Christ’ or words to that affect, in the liner notes of Fallen. I also know that after Christian books stores took Evanescence off of their shelves Lee said in an interview ‘We never said that we are not Christians. Just that we are not a Christian band.’ As far as Amy saying that she has no specific religion, I doubt that since I don’t know of many Jews or Buddhists or Deists that thank Jesus Christ for their success. When Aerosmith thanks a high power they call it a higher power, not Jesus. She could have just meant that she isn’t a particular kind of Christian. That she doesn’t adhere specifically to this or that denomination: Catholicism, Southern Baptist, Episcopal, Methodist, etc. Many Christians claim this.

Like Sixpence None the Richer, ignorant Christians AND non-Christians erroneously believed that Evanescence renounced Christianity because they didn’t want to be pigeonholed as a Jesus rock band. I wonder about the intelligence and depth of people that make these giant leaps. Why does every song a Christian writes have to be about Christianity? What next? Can Mel Gibson only do movies about Jesus from now on?

As far as this song, I would be surprised if it were not written in worship. The very sound of it is praise oriented and the lyrics fit perfectly, especially the parts about ‘falling’ and ‘grace’. When was the last time you thanked your significant other for their grace? Come on. It could be used in church without missing a beat. But even if it isn’t about God, I don’t care. Music doesn’t have to be made to please my sentiments. This song makes me think of the Cross but if they wrote about something else, it’s fine with me.

More to the point, like gabelogan99, I would like to know why this song is called October. Any ideas?

Probably because it was nearing the end of a very bad relationship with a complete jerk.

My Interpretation

I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. With the way it's sung it's definitely calling out to Jehovah for forgiveness. Evanescence while not a Christian band did write some songs dealing with life troubles and relation with god.

Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

Evanescence was originally promoted in Christian stores. Later, the band made it clear they did not want to be considered part of the Christian rock genre. Terry Hemmings, CEO of Christian music distributor Provident, expressed puzzlement at the band's 'about-face', saying "They clearly understood the album would be sold in these [Christian music] channels." After many Christian stores began to remove the band's music from their shelves, Wind-up Records chairman Alan Meltzer then issued a press release in April 2003 requesting formally that they do this. In 2006, Amy Lee told Billboard that she had opposed being identified as a "Christian band" from the beginning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evanescence Get over it. It is Not a christian song, any more than "Losing My Religion" is anti religion. I'd say it was about severe co-dependency, a "Stockholm Syndrome".

My Interpretation

Your'e an idiot. Amy Lee is a christian and one of the biggest album sellers was working with them (David hodges) to write the fallen. of course it is christian

Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

Ugh, I suppose I'm the ONLY not-christian person who likes this song? I think it could mean that, but if Amy Lee wrote it, she isn't exactly christian, she has said she doesn't have a definite religion, but Ben Moody is VERY christian...so I think it depends on your view point. When I read it, I immediately thought of deep love and affection and stuffl ike that y'know? Maybe because with my boyfriend, I feel constantly at fault (not because of him, because of my own insecurities) and I'm constantly apologizing and...so maybe that's just me.

Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

This is possibly their best song. Amy Lee is beautiful and she has a beautiful voice.

But why is the song titled "October?"

Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

this song could definitely be about christianity, but the way i see it is that amy's in a relationship with someone who basically controls her. she's tried to break up with him so many times, but in the end she knows he'll always be there, that he'll always find her. she has no choice but to give up, telling him 'you're my only strength' and she realizes that she depends on him. she's nothing without him. though when she sings about his abounding grace, the song is probably about her relationship with god. shrugs i'm not too good with interpretations anyway. i do love this song, though.

Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

hmm...well, amy could have written this song based off a certain day or time in her life, and that day or whatever could have been in october. or maybe she wrote it in october? or--man, this is hard--perhaps it has to do with the seeson october is in, which is, of course, fall. perhaps the song has something to do with the whole concept of a leaf falling to the ground...getting tossed in the wind until finally hitting the ground?...just my ten cents...

Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

ok .. i really dont think this song has any thing to do with christ ....but to each thier own... i think thats its about love ... and realizing how much you really do love someone after denying it for so long ...and being sorry that you denied it for so long .."in all my bitterness i ignored all thats real and true all i need is you"....l8er ps. ... beatiful song .. its incredibly good ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cover art for October lyrics by Evanescence

Why does everyone assume that if a song is a religious song, it's gotta be about Christianity? I'm a pagan who worships the Goddess Isis, and this song could just as easily apply to me and my Goddess.

To me, this song applies both to my fiancee whom I love, to our faith in our Goddess.