169 Meanings
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Take Me Out Lyrics

So if you're lonely
You know I'm here waiting for you
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot away from you
And if you leave here
You leave me broken, shattered I lie
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot then we can die

I know I won't be leaving here with you

I say don't you know?
You say you don't know
I say take me out

I say you don't show
Don't move, time is slow
I say take me out

I say you don't know
You say you don't go
I say take me out

I know I won't be leaving here
I know I won't be leaving here
I know I won't be leaving here
I know I won't be leaving here with you

I say don't you know?
You say you don't know
I say take me out

If I move, this could die
If eyes move, this could die
Come on, take me out

I know I won't be leaving here
I know I won't be leaving here
I know I won't be leaving here
I know I won't be leaving here with you
Song Info
Submitted by
crimp On Apr 11, 2004
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169 Meanings

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Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Saw them live recently- before they played it, they explained it.

'Franz Ferdinand' are named after the guy who was shot, a minor incident in Eastern Europe that lead to the outbreak of World War 1. Ferdinand and his wife were shot at the same time; the song talks about the moment between his wife being shot and him dying- he feels he might as well be dead, "Come on, take me out!", his wife's murders have left him 'broken, shattered I lie'.

A very melancholy for such a upbeat song with such a funky riff.

Bosnia is widely considered to be part of Eastern Europe. Great song, I love the historical reference.

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Franz Ferdinand was the Arch Duke of Austria, was killed by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian movement known as the "Black Hand" on June 28, 1914, and is considered the final straw that caused the Great War to break out.

And, 'dame13', I am an American and am careful with my history and take it seriously. I also know that we primarily became involved in WW1 because the Germans tried to get Mexico to join them and attack us via the infamous "Zimmerman Note", and likely sunk the Lusitania.

Your profile says that you yourself...

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yeah honestly dame13, I'm from the U.S. too, and i am a history buff myself. Uhm..ignorant is a strong word. maybe misinformed but ignorant?

Think before you speak my friend.

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Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Crosshair nailed it. Gawd knows where he got the energy to write so much:) It's an excellent song by an excellent band... one of my favorites, although I probably say that about a few too many bands ;) The about a guy in love but he lacks confidence. Haven't met too many of those types in my lifetime. Wow, music makes me laugh....just thinking about a college-aged man named Yasime Rahim from Tanzania who's dad was a diplomat to Russia. Yasime asked me to marry him after we had known each other (sitting around listening to music) just two weeks. I laughed thinking he was joking. He immediately left the room and didn't speak with me for a few days....finally explaining that in his country not all people date first. Then he proposed again. Talk about feeling like a schumck for saying NO. We did begin a friendship, though, and he promised not to ask me again. Sorry for the story of my life; I had just forgotten about that first proposal...

Yeah I must be from his country. :|

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Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

I see three potential interpretations running in this song.

1: Voice is of Ferdinand, talking towards his wife, in the moments between her death and his.

2: Voice is of Ferdinand, talking towards his assassin, right before being shot.

3: Voice is of a person, somewhere, who wants to be with someone, but knows they won't be, and is "broken shattered I lie" by their rejection.

As I see it, #1 or 2 is definitely intentional, and #3 is most likely partially intended. The reason I believe he's speaking to his assassin is because the words "take me out" seem to be most specifically directed towards the assassin. In this interpretation, the song takes place in the split second where Ferdinand makes eye contact with the shooter, right before being killed. Accordingly, the song is about the emotional connection between them, and Ferdinand begging to die out of sadness over the loss of his wife, by that interpretation.

Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Today is the 100th anniversary of Franz Ferdinand and his wife being killed, thus starting WW1, so this is the song of the day I suppose.

Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

this song makes me wanna dance! the riff is jus so damn catchy!

Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Excellent song.

Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Great song then...nice little history lesson. What of the video? Did it contain any imagery to suggest its meaning? I remember seeing a lot of old school imagery like bareknuckle boxers from near the start of the last century. I really like the switch of guitar play about a quarter of the way through. It's a sound I haven't heard before, very catchy and unusual.

Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

It is quite sad if you focus on the lyrics... I also like the bit when the beat slows down, just before the main riff comes in.

Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Oh, god, not the MTV thing again. I really don't see what the problem is; sure, all the shows suck, but what does that have to do with the videos they play? And if it wasn't on MTV, where else would you see it? VH1 only plays "adult-alternative". All the other music videos are owned by MTV. Launch is nice, but I like to watch videos before they get ran through the grain-o-filter. Near as I can tell, the only reason that a band would stay permanently underground is that NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO THEM. Getting accepted into mainstream is a reflection that it at least sounds good, even if people don't fully appreciate what they're listening to. Unless you make it a point to listen to things that no one else could enjoy, be prepared to hear more of your favorite bands on the radio, or even(GASP!) MTV. I mean, you never hear Juggaloes complain about ICP selling out.

Cover art for Take Me Out lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

what I mean about the mtv thing is, now all the teenybopper idiots might like this band. They're a very good band, one of my favourites... it's just that it's kind of weird to think if teenyboppers/the mtv generation would really like this band.