The Grass Is Green Lyrics
Something that was so good
Better than the last thing i touched
Then turned right around on that something
And figured i didn't like that much
But can you tell me, can you feel it, i just wanna feel it
Oh yeah, the grass is green
But i think i stained my jeans and now everybody knows thah i been in it
But as i was standing
In line, somebody took my place
Yes, i'm a believer, nver mind what they say
I got so tired along the way
But can you tell me, can you feel it, i just wanna feel it
Oh yeah, the grass is green
But i think i stained my jeans and now everybody knows thah i been in it
And a bomb that i will drop on it
But you opened up to me
'Til i could only see the beauty in your dishonesty
But can you tell me, can you feel it, you just wanna feel it
Oh yeah the grass is green
But it think i stained my jeans and now, baby, you can tell that i been in it
You want it you just need it
Forget just what you need
The clock is ticking and this life is a train, man, i think you're on it
But it's what you wanted, and what you needed
It's what you wanted, and what you needed
Or is it what i needed and what you wanted

nelly says its about wanting what u don't have and its changed by the time u can have it. it also goes along w. the saying the grass is always greener.
...I think you're right...all that is happening to me right now
...I think you're right...all that is happening to me right now

I love how she says her jeans are stained from the greener grass....

I think the whole song has a general idea of losing faith, not specifically in a religious context, but just faith in general. People can lose faith in their religion, in their gods, in spirit, in themselves, in other people...anything! I think that's what this is about.
I hadn't even thought of it before until just now that the first verse almost sounds like she's talking about conformity, about how people give up their authenticity to reach for something more contemporary. It's like we discard what we know we should hold onto just to taste what's on the other side, even for a moment.
The second verse is really about losing faith - it comes across strongly. She's talking exactly about how she lost that faith, how something caused her to push it away from herself, but she still has a piece of that faith, she's just tired and weary. Almost like an anti-hero...not good, but not bad.
By the time you reach the bridge, it seems like the song has progressed in meaning, going from conformity to loss of faith and finally to the decision-making. It's like a time line. It's like she's realized what she's become and is finally fed up with it and is going to "drop a bomb" on her skeleton and get rid of it once and for all. The end of the song kind of reeks of "You made your bed, now lay in it."
Love this song. Folklore was the best album of hers. The songs are so ambiguous and so deep.