All for You, Sophia Lyrics
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, the first six are for you
Bang bang, the seventh is for me
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, Europe's going to weep
All for you, all for you, all for you, Sophia (x4)
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, the first six are for you
Bang bang, the seventh is for me
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
The devil takes his run
Urban, take the Appel Quay
It's June the twenty-eighth
The seventh was for me
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo
Bang bang, the first six are for you
Bang bang, the seventh is for me
Bang bang, Gavrilo Princip
Bang bang, shoot me Gavrilo

okay, sophia was NOT the name of franz ferdinand's wife...his wife's name was sophie, the band chose to use sophia because it sounded better with the song

Gavrilo Princip was one of the three men who were sent to assassinate Franz Ferdinand. Sophia was Franz Ferdinand's wife. The Black Hand was a secret society who wanted a union between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia and plotted the conspiracy against Franz Ferdinand. Franz Urban was their driver. During the first drive upon their arrival in Sarajevo they took the Appel Quay, where they had the first assassination attempt was but then Urban sped up the car causing the rest of the conspirators to give up. Later in the day Ferdinand insisted on visiting those who were hurt by the first attempt they drove to the hospital where Urban took the wrong route, taking a right in Franz Joseph Street instead of taking the Appel Quay as planned, (he was misinformed) where Princip happened to be standing. Princip shot at Ferdinand and his wife Sophie several times both of them died after their arrival to the governor's residence.
@drunkidariennete There were 8 people who conspired to assassinate Ferdinand on that day, not 3. Franz Urban doesn't exist - The drivers name was Leopold Lojka, for some reason everyone erroneously call him Franz Urban. It's kind of funny how the song says "The first six are for you, the seventh is for me" When in reality, only two shots were fired: the first hitting Ferdinand in his jugular and the second hitting Sophie in her abdomen.
@drunkidariennete There were 8 people who conspired to assassinate Ferdinand on that day, not 3. Franz Urban doesn't exist - The drivers name was Leopold Lojka, for some reason everyone erroneously call him Franz Urban. It's kind of funny how the song says "The first six are for you, the seventh is for me" When in reality, only two shots were fired: the first hitting Ferdinand in his jugular and the second hitting Sophie in her abdomen.

The lines "Bang bang, the first six are for you Bang bang, the seventh is for me " isn't about the gun shots. I looked up eyewitness testamony of Franz Ferdinand's death and only two shots were fired. The first bullet hit Sophia and the second hit the Franz. I think the lines are refering to the fact that shortly after being shot he said "Its nothings" seven times, six times for his wife's comfort and one for his own. It is also recorded that he said "Sophia, Sophia, do not die. Live for our children." Sophia was with child when she was killed. It's such a sad yet weirdly romantic story. Great song.

when Franz Ferdinand breaks up, do you think Austria will attack Serbia?

love this song teaches u history while bein very entertaining n funny!

oh n catchy! ha ha

how did you guys hear this song?

or shoudl i say where..?

I was looking for songs by these guys on LimeWire a long time before MTV decided they were good, and this popped up. More than 20 copies of this were found, so I just got it. And I got all the historic meaning well before I found this site. It made me so happy, because I'm a history nut, and I love these guys. Two in one, baby.

I was researching this and I couldn't figure out what: "the first six are for you, the seventh is for me" means.