Kill Lyrics
Looks a mile to my feet
I want to go to you
Funny how I'm nervous still
I've always been the easy kill
I guess I always will
Or only one way it was always meant to be
You kill me you always know the perfect thing to say
Hey hey
I know what I should do but I just can't walk away
From the bar in my hotel
I wish I'd go to you
I'll pick up put down the phone
Like your favorite Heatmiser song goes
It's just like being alone
I need answers for what all the waiting I've done means
You kill me you've got some nerve but can't face your mistakes
Hey hey
I know what I should do but I just can't turn away
Leave while there's still hope for escape
You gotta take what you can these days
There's so much ahead
And so much regret
I know it but can't help feeling differently
I loved you
And I should have said it
Tell me just what has it ever meant
Sorry but I can't just go turn off how I feel
You kill me you build me up but just to watch me break
Hey hey
I know what I should do but I just can't walk away.

This song reminds me of what im going through now cause I like a girl and i dnt know how she feels toward me but well its like Skylinexbleedsxred put it basically. This is a very beautiful song.
Aww, I hope all is well for you!
Aww, I hope all is well for you!

"So go on, love Leave while there's still hope for escape Got to take what you can these days There's so much ahead And so much regret I know what you want to say I know it but can't help feeling differently I loved you And I should have said it But tell me Just what has it ever meant"
One of the best verses of all time. Damn, unrequited love hurts like a bitch.

this may be the GREATEST relationship song EVER written.

I loved you; I should've said it
When he sings this, I get these cold chills.

I totally love this song, this also reminds me of my last serious relationship. No matter how much you try, you can't get over a particular person, you just can't stop loving them, and you really want to but you can't, and you feel like you're putting a burden on the other person. "You kill me, you build me up but just to watch me break I know what I should do, but I just can't walk away" This to me is like giving false hopes. Like somebody leading you on, make you think there's still a chance and then they do something and totally mess up again, and they can see what they're doing but they don't seem to care. But still you can't help having feelings for them. A situation lots of people have been in I'm sure, brilliant song one of my favourites off 'Futures'

Hey guys, For me this song has another meaning. There's a girl I love for about 6 or 7 years now but we always just have been good friends. I also had few other girlfriends meanwhile but I never could get her out of my brain. Well few weeks ago I broke up with my last gf after a 3 year ralationship and the girl I love called me last Friday to go out with me. We went to a bar where they played this song and few hours later we ended up kissing each other. Now the problem is that she's officialy together with a very good friend of mine and I would fuck up his life if she would leave him because of me. So this song could be related to a similar siuation.

Wow, I had to create an account just to reply on this discussion, because I love this song so much- literally EVERY LINE relates to how I feel about my current relationship- yet my interpretation is pretty different from what people have been writing here. To me, it's not about unrequited love, or doom, or disillusionment- it's about HOPE.
Here's the thing- I've been dating this guy for 3 years, which as most people know is really different from dating someone for 3 months. But all of my friends' relationships have lasted about that long, and so they hold a really different view of how love is supposed to work. Whenever we're having problems, they go on and on about how we're just not 'meant for each other', or how he's an asshole, how I just chose the wrong person. It's the media, too, in movies and books, everything, there's this idea that if you find the right person everything just CLICKS, and you will always KNOW, that for sure, this is right. There's so much pressure to be this really 'strong' person that doesn't put up with 'bullshit', who's independent enough to not be made a fool out of...
yet, if you've ever really been in love, you know that's not the case. True intimacy is messy, and complicated, and there are rampant miscommunications, and it rips away all your walls and leaves you really vulnerable. But in the end, you always hang in there, despite others' disapproval, because you JUST CAN'T WALK AWAY. You're IN LOVE.
My boyfriend and I have talked about this and we both agree- it's better to hang in there, to work on stuff even when it gets REALLY hard, even when we're both having doubts, even when we're both feeling like maybe the other person never really cared. It's about true FAITH, and about true DEVOTION. (which is a rare thing these days- look at the 50% divorce rate.)
Think about it... really, just sit down and listen to this song with this in mind, instead of one person leading on another. It makes sense. It's so beautiful and just.... real.

Another song I used to listen to but never really got the meaning until today when it came on my ipod and I gave it another chance after so many years (you know, when you over listen to something and you cannot stand it anymore!).
Anyway, listening to the lyrics...shit it sounds like my life! I noticed that my life is repeating itself this year like last year with various things that I am doing, and to top it all off the guy that came into my life during that exact segment last year, has made small appearances in my life now! However we keep missing each other...and I'm scared of actually seeing him again. However I want to. 'I know what I should do but I just can't walk away'. Because as they say...'I need answers for what all the waiting I've done means'. I feel that I have missed a lot of chances the past year because I'm looking/waiting for him.
This bit really really makes me feel emotional:
'I know it but can't help feeling differently I loved you And I should have said it But tell me Just what has it ever meant'
I maybe should have made it more obvious...or just said something to get it out. However, I feel if we did meet this summer because 'Could it be that everything goes around by chance Or only one way that it was always meant to be', then I'm ready. So ready to finish this and get closure by establishing what happened!
So much of this song just hits me! I feel that if we saw each other again, how it is described in the song would be exactly how I would feel. I am so the singer!
Too many signs's creeping me out!
What is creepy is when we want to at least try something new, but we instead settle for wishing we could or would try something new. It reminds me of wanting a new job position, but being so fearful of rejection that we don't apply 'cause it's better off not trying than possibly being rejected. And the longer we put off a goal, the harder it gets to reach it (due to the more excuses and fears that develop simply due to time.) Then we have the excuse to say it's too late. GOOD SONG.
What is creepy is when we want to at least try something new, but we instead settle for wishing we could or would try something new. It reminds me of wanting a new job position, but being so fearful of rejection that we don't apply 'cause it's better off not trying than possibly being rejected. And the longer we put off a goal, the harder it gets to reach it (due to the more excuses and fears that develop simply due to time.) Then we have the excuse to say it's too late. GOOD SONG.

I think this is about someone he'd been with for years, talked to, built up a relationship withand then after all that they tell him they're not interested. Mainly written from the perspective of the person looking back over the years, at what they did and that the other person had good reason for doing what they did, but the writer still dosn't agree with it. Ends with him saying that he's not going to change to suit how someone else wants him to be, that they've strung him along for years to see if he would change and then dropped him when he didn't

I think this song's about a guy having an affair with a woman that already is in a relationship. And I can explain myself:
"Well you're just across the street Looks a mile to my feet"
"I can picture your face well From the bar in my hotel"
First sounds like he's watching her from a hotel window, but still waits for her inside, cause they can't be seen in public.
Then, she ditched him, and he'd like to call her, but knows he can't, hence the "I'll pick up put down the phone".
"Funny how I'm nervous still I've always been the easy kill I guess I always will" Could be nervous by the thought of her, or the idea that they're doing something wrong.
"Could it be that everything goes round by chance Or only one way it was always meant to be" When he's with her feels like it's faith, and when she goes he's drowning in confusion.
"I know what I should do but I just can't walk away" deep inside, he knows she's no god for him, but can't face the idea of letting her go. Also, could mean that knows they souldn't be having an affair.
"Oh god please don't tell me this has been in vain I need answers for what all the waiting I've done means You kill me you've got some nerve but can't face your mistakes" Can't bare the thought of having given her all he had, just to end up alone in the end, like nothing ever happened, like it meant nothing. Sounds like she promessed she would leave his husband/boyfriend to be with him, that he should wait, and then runs away from him, instead of facing their mistake.
"So go on love Leave while there's still hope for escape You gotta take what you can these days There's so much ahead And so much regret
I know what you want to say I know it but can't help feeling differently I loved you And I should have said it Tell me just what has it ever meant"
She says she can't leave his partner, he's desolated. Has to deal that he was in love with an idealization of her.
"You kill me you build me up but just to watch me break" could be her telling him that he was the real love of her life, and then leaving him anyways. In the end, she just used him, over and over, and got away with it.