Farther Away Lyrics
I, I sold my soul just to hide the light.
And now I see what I really am,
A thief a whore, and a liar.
I run to you,
Call out your name,
I see you there, farther away.
You give me all but the reason why.
I reach but I feel only air at night.
Not you, not love, just nothing.
I run to you,
Call out your name,
I see you there, farther away.
But without you I feel nothing.
Don't leave me here, by myself.
I can't breathe.
I run to you,
Call out your name,
I see you there, farther away.
Call out your name,
I see you there, farther away,
Farther away,
Farther away,
Farther away,
Farther away,
Farther away.

For me this is about losing someone, either physically through death or relationship wise, by breaking up with them or whatever. You want them back so bad and youre thrown into this darkness without them. "I see you there, farther away" you still see them but they're not with you. In m opinion (which you can either take it or leave it) the best line is "I reach but i feel only air at night, not you, not love, just nothing" About what oyu lose when you lose someone. What you feel, the dark.

i thought i would comment on this song because it doesnt have any comments.....I LOVE EVANESCENCE....they are the greatest band on the face of the earth....and i am sure this song is just as great as all the rest of them........LOVIN' IT

it really reminds me of my life. a guy that i really like, doesnt like me because i hurt him emotionally, and now he wont even listen to me

It almost seems like the person she loves keeps going farther away even when she runs to the person....& feels like she's farther away from herself...who she really is. That's just what I think & feel when I listen to this song...I love it, one of my favorites right now.

i like 2 1st 2 verses of this song, and I luv the emotion she puts behind them. i agree with every1 else about the meanin.

I love evanescence! oh and "escence" you should tell those other bands to release some kind of cd so we can hear them.

I heard this song live at one of their concerts too. It was really good.

This song is so meaningful to me. Its how I felt towards God two years ago when my cousin Chris died from cocaine. I felt that God had abandoned me and that I had no love. I even feel that sometimes when shit happens to me but I know he never turns on me its just life, it sux but hey Im not the only person that has problems. My favorite part of the song is when Amy sings "I reach for you but feel only air at night, NOT YOU, NOT LOVE, JUST NOTHING!" she does it with such emotion.
it's times like that you have to open your eyes and believe...
it's times like that you have to open your eyes and believe...
...believe that there's really no fucking BULLSHIT god up there that's going to reach down a holy hand and save your arse. The best, strongest, REAL thing you can believe in is yourself. You can never abandon you. Think about it.
...believe that there's really no fucking BULLSHIT god up there that's going to reach down a holy hand and save your arse. The best, strongest, REAL thing you can believe in is yourself. You can never abandon you. Think about it.

Losing someone, whenever it be physical or just emotional and mentaly. The person 'being there' in a sense, but yet getting farther and farhter away each day. But you are 'dying' since you need them.

yeah evanescence kicks so much ass live.
i think another part of 'farther away' with such emotion is 'a theif a whore aliar'.
i think this is like an after-effect of losing someone physically. just so much grief.all of it. 'i took their smiles and made them mine.i sold my soul just to hide the light' it's all anger about who they've become after losing someone.