97 Meanings
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Kids With Guns Lyrics

Kids with guns
Kids with guns
Taking over
They won't be long
They're mesmerized
Kids with guns
Kids with guns
Easy does it, easy does it, they got something to say no to

Drinking out (push it real, push it)
Pacifier (push it real, push it)
Demon souls (push it real, push it)
Street desire (push it real, push it)
Doesn't make sense to (push it real, push it)
They won't be long (push it real, push it)
Kids with guns
Kids with guns
Easy does it, easy does it, they got something to say no to

And they're turning us into monsters
Turning us into fire
Turning us into monsters
It's all bizarre
It's all bizarre
It's all bizarre

Drinking out
Sinking soul
There you are
Doesn't make side to
But it won't be long
'Cause kids with guns
Kids with guns
Easy does it, easy does it, they got something to say no to

And they're turning us into monsters
Turning us into fire
Turning us into monsters
It's all bizarre
It's all bizarre
It's all bizarre

push it push it (its real)
push it real, push it, push it, push it (its real, weird)
push it real, push it

push it push it (its real)
push it real, push it, push it, push it (its real, weird)
push it real, push it
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97 Meanings

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Cover art for Kids With Guns lyrics by Gorillaz

Lets see if we can break it down...

Kids with guns

  • Sounds like its about soldiers. The US army is mostly just 18 yr old kids with guns.

Mesmerized skeletons

  • Seems to back up the last statement... but i'll get to that in a second.

Turning us into monsters Turnin us into fire Turning us into monsters But its all desire

  • The sounds like the pretext for war. Recruiting these kids on a lie and a "cause". Taking them far away and making them into killers. But it's not a just cause, its all desire. Monsters are the killers, fire is the vengence... but its all for greed (desire).

The mesmerized skeletons is about these poor kids with guns who are convinced that they're going to war for a noble reason but they're just being sent to kill and die for other people's desires and gains.

Easy does it. Easy does it. Think of something to say no to.

  • Dont go off and kill, think of why and say no.

[/2 cents]

@paradox23 nailed it

Cover art for Kids With Guns lyrics by Gorillaz

A lot of people are steering clear of this song and I don't know why...

I'll try, but I have a feeling i may be way off base =^\

Its a song about kids with guns and how their ruining society, "turning us into monsters"...

The end =^(

I don't think the song is about children ruining our society. children are sponges. they learn what we teach them. it is our fault as the older generation. so if anything we are ruining society with guns and shit because we are teaching the younger generation that it is okay to use guns.

look at it this way, water guns are fun as fuck. it teaches kids that guns are cool as fuck.

G.I Joe is a bad ass show. but it shows children that we must destroy the enemy. is that what we want kids to learn.


Not Valid

@RTBRAND1 lol ur wrong

Cover art for Kids With Guns lyrics by Gorillaz

Society is teaching children nowadays to be cold and heartless monsters; how you may ask? By showing them that having a gun is OK, by showing them that killing another human being is no big deal. Nobody cares about anyone else anymore. Humans loose their ability to feel compassion for others.

exactly... have you ever watch television nowadays. not even CNN or anyother news channel.

just cartoons alone teach kids it's okay to have guns.

we look at countries in the middle east or africa like they are bad people for making their kids into CRS' but in Western Culture all we do is pollute our kids minds with tv and it has the same effect as actually given your kid a gun.

Not Valid

Dude, you took the words out of my mouth :D.

That´s exactly what I think the song is about.

Not Valid

Dude, you took the words out of my mouth :D.

That´s exactly what I think the song is about.

Not Valid

also does anyone else think it should say "push it real" instead of is she real. at least towards the end

@imissbeckysamplifier thats what i thought it said

Cover art for Kids With Guns lyrics by Gorillaz

This song to me is about guerilla warfare in Africa, where little boys are stolen from their homes, tortured, drugged and then forced to fight in armies.

"They're mesmerised Skeletons"

"And they're turning us into monsters Turning us into fire turning us into monsters"

The kids cannot escape, they are threatened to be killed if they do. Some manage to, thankfully.

Cover art for Kids With Guns lyrics by Gorillaz

My older brother is in the Army National Guard and he had to go through Basic Training(basically Boot Camp), which he recalled to be the worst weeks of his life. He also claimed to me that the fresh-out-of-highschool men there were childish and gun crazy, or "kids with guns". I wasn't in Basic, so I can't say that I've had the pleasure to be around those new recruits but he has told me about them. They join the National Guard half-cocked and ready to kill. A guy in Basic apparently couldn't figure out why we shouldn't bomb the entire Middle East area. Those guys were naive, immature, and ignorant. I'm not sure if Gorillaz intended for this song to describe U.S. soldiers in general, but I can see how it could.

Song Meaning

A lot of young people join the military because they see it as a way out of poverty. Generally poverty = ignorance + desperation = trigger-happy soldiers who have no idea what they are getting into. It is the same as joining a gigantic, powerful gang to a lot of them. I believe this song is general enough to adress the problem at its source: kids losing their innocence young and becoming monstrous killers when (and indeed if) they grow older. The actual cause of it is ambiguous in the lyrics, but speaking generally, I think it is completely fueled...

Cover art for Kids With Guns lyrics by Gorillaz

Lets see if we can break it down...

Kids with guns

  • Sounds like its about soldiers. The US army is mostly just 18 yr old kids with guns.

Mesmerized skeletons

  • Seems to back up the last statement... but i'll get to that in a second.

Turning us into monsters Turnin us into fire Turning us into monsters But its all desire

  • The sounds like the pretext for war. Recruiting these kids on a lie and a "cause". Taking them far away and making them into killers. But it's not a just cause, its all desire. Monsters are the killers, fire is the vengence... but its all for greed (desire).

The mesmerized skeletons is about these poor kids with guns who are convinced that they're going to war for a noble reason but they're just being sent to kill and die for other people's desires and gains.

Easy does it. Easy does it. Think of something to say no to.

  • Dont go off and kill, think of why and say no.

[/2 cents]

In addition to the above "Is she real" refers to lady liberty

My Interpretation
Cover art for Kids With Guns lyrics by Gorillaz

I totally agree with RippedPaper13. I was listening to the radio the other day and there was an interview with Damon Albarn (2D) that the record was all about Iraq.

p.s. If anyone is interested in listening to some of that interview the website is http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/2004/listen/ look for Gorillaz-Part One and Gorillaz-Part Two, but the interview is only what wasn't aired on the show so the part where he says, and i quote "i'ts about Iraq" isn't on there. If you want the rest of the interview you'll have to download this weeks show, but it only stays on for a week, so you may be too late.

Cover art for Kids With Guns lyrics by Gorillaz

I find that the phrase "Kids with Guns" is referring to the youth being handed anything and everything without consequences or the responsibility of experience. "But it won't be long", at the rate the youth is being forced to grow up and interact with an ever-increasing lack of experience in being able to handle what comes. Eventually society will just be handing kids guns and expecting them to act appropriately.

Cover art for Kids With Guns lyrics by Gorillaz

When I first listened to this, I was about 8 or 9. I loved Gorillaz and relapsed into a sort of reverie everytime I listened to a song. When I listened to Kids with Guns, I saw figures who were sort of half grown adults. They weren't proper adults, and they were in a sandbox. To me the song was always about the stupid ( or I saw them as stupid ) trivial battles adults had, like children bickering for space or toys. Which is what they do fight about really, land and weapons. I also loved the use of the word "pacifier", because it meant both "a peace maker" and "a device that a child uses to suck on"