14 Meanings
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Blvd. Nights Lyrics

With her army complete
She can take me apart off
Through the earth
Then back in the car
Cause once you begin

You're not going to stop
I know how you are
Gonna stop
But you're not going to stop
Gonna stop
I know how you are
Oh please

Through the earth
Then back in the car
You're not going to stop
I know how you are
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14 Meanings

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Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep

If Deftones made be quiet and drive in 2005, it would sound alot like this

Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep

I think this is about the feeling you get when you meet that person who changes everything in that they enter your realm & they can never be forgotten - for better or for worse, they almost become a part of you, implanting themselves into your subconscious.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep

I think it's the second idea. the whole "take me apart" seems more emotional than physical. through the earth perhaps being the lust itself, and her not going to stop even though he isn't interested. i love the way he sings "you're not going to stop, i know how you are..."

Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep

Reminds me of a person with no self respect, or an addict.

The last word in the song is 'loose' after "I know how you are".

Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep

He dosn't say "Oh please", he says "Loose".

Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep

i thought he was saying flaccid star somewhere in there. that would kinda fit the whole prostitution thing i guess

Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep

this song is awesome, blvd nights fits the prostitution idea, but i dont think its about that

Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep


Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep

What does he say during the bridge?

Cover art for Blvd. Nights lyrics by Team Sleep

when i heard ‘you’re not gonna stop i know how you are’ i thought about drug addiction. I l interpreted it as a woman/ girlfriend who has an addiction to drugs and he doesn’t think she’ll get over it.

My Interpretation