This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) Lyrics

In a river the colour of lead
Immerse the baby’s head
Wrap her up in the news of the world
Dump her on a doorstep, girl
This night has opened my eyes
And I will never sleep again

You kicked and cried like a bullied child
A grown man of twenty-five
He said he’d cure your ills
But he didn’t and he never will
So, so save your life
Because you’ve only got one

The dream has gone
But the baby is real
Oh, you did a good thing
She could have been a poet
Or, she could have been a fool
Oh, you did a bad thing
And I’m not happy
And I’m not sad

A shoeless child on a swing
Reminds you of your own again
She took away your troubles
Oh, but then again
She left pain
So, so save your life
Because you’ve only got one

The dream has gone
But the baby is real
Oh, you did a good thing
She could have been a poet
Or she could have been a fool
Oh, you did a bad thing
And I’m not happy
And I’m not sad

You did a bad thing
You did a bad thing
And I'm not happy
And I'm not sad (x3)
Song Info
Submitted by
frappi On Jun 21, 2005
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Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

This song is a cover of a song done by The Smiths.

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

cedrics voice is really ackward in this song i like the way he sings its just really different when "this station" first came out i could have almost guarenteed they would cover a smiths song

i love cedrics voice when he sings "and I'm not happy and I'm not sad"

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

yeah his voice does sound awkward but him singing "and i'm not happy and i'm not sad" is perfect. good cover.

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

Excellent Cover

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

Dregs cover. I love At The Drive-In and I love The Smiths but I was hoping they'd have put some thought into it. This sounds like they've found some Smiths tabs on the net and painted it by numbers. Vying with My Awesome Compilation's cover of There Is A Light That Never Goes Out for worst Smiths cover.

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

abortion is such a sad thing...this song is great in describing the confliction

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

Death Cab prolly takes the cake for worst, they covered This Charming Man, but mostly just because they messed up the lyrics hard, I actually like the song

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

this cover is great

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

In comparison to Cedric's average voice, this is quite the change.

I like how he try's to sound so hopeless, as Morrisey wanted.

Cover art for This Night Has Opened My Eyes (The Smiths cover) lyrics by At the Drive-In

Is strange news talking about the cover by Braid? Crazy man.