Choo Choo Lyrics
But don't you let her, don't you let her touch the tracks
I said my baby wants to drive the train
Well all aboard yeah, and don't forget to mind the gap
Don't you let her, don't you know
She's sick and tired of
Being in the background, the passenger
Let her drive the train, oh!
Why don't you let her drive the train?
Choo Choo!
Why don't you let her drive the train, yeah
Make your way down, we'll shut the door bout quarter to five
I said she's setting off from platform four
And they've decided that they're gonna let her drive
She's sick and tired of
Being in the background, the passenger
Let her drive the train, oh!
Why don't you let her drive the train, oh...
Choo Choo!
Why don't you let her drive my train, yeah
Choo Choo!
Choo Choo!
Choo Choo!

The intro is awesome.
I don't think they failed, at all.

My train has 2 cabooses.

I was thinking it's about letting the girl be in control during intercourse... not too sure though.

quite an unclear song when compared to the others. i always thought it was about who had control of a relationship, the guy or the girl. not really sure though so ill shut up pronto

i LOVE that opening riff......

I'm not very familiar with this band but my friend DID show me this song and I loved it! Hopefully I manage to get an album from these guys some day.

I think he's singing about wanting to protect his girlfriend. She wants to try to new things cause she's "sick and tired of being in the backround", but he's trying to keep her safe which is kind yet selfish at the same time because he's being over protective and holding her back.

the lyrics are not that special. but the music is amazing. i love the intro

ah it sounds good, that's important, they got it spot on didnt they. i really like how she's sick and tired of being in the background. i just thought it was about a girl he cares about who has had her share of being pushed around, and is finished with it. she's steering her own course now.

I agree with mlfm256, the lyrics aren't too relevant, I don't think there's a clear meaning behind them, but the music and the melody are haunting. I heard they didn't like performing this song live because they found it a bit embarrassing haha