Jealousy Rides with Me Lyrics
Such a faithful companion no one could be
And he sits on my shoulder
And whispers the things that make me so bitter it's sick
Jealousy rides with me
In wake or in slumber I can't get relief
From the pictures he paints of the passion in heat
And though I try I can't stop listening
Because there's no amount of money
That would get him to split
As long as I'm living and we're not together
I'll be chained to this beast
With no chance of severance, because
Such a faithful companion no one could be
For a journey that leads to the outskirts of time
But don't worry about me, I'll be fine
It beats being lonely, I'll be fine

To me this represents the epitome of being lonely. He is jelous and can't find a way to not be jelous for as long as he doesn't have her. but at the same time he would rather be jelous than have nothing at all. Ignorant of the guy but honest.

I don't think this girl is his ex, I think he wants to date her but she has a boyfriend and he is just jealous as hell and feels like it's not fair even though jealousy is not a good thing, "chained to this beast," he can't help it...

i think that its about losing the one you love to another person and it kills you to think about them with anyone else and you hate the jelousy yet you embrace it because it's all you have left and you just dont want to be alone
I love your interpritation! its soo true!
I love your interpritation! its soo true!

This is my song!!!!

I feel rather that he's anthropomorphising jealousy into a character that could be interchanged with any given situation; I find the beauty of this dictates his persisting jealousy that will not disappear.
"From the pictures he paints of the passion in heat"
This line is my favourite from the song, as it perfectly portrays how jealousy makes your imagination paint a scene that tears you apart.
Brilliantly deep and insightful magic here that I always love to find from Death Cab For Cutie's lyrics.

This song really is sad. It's one of those songs that you can just picture somebody singing (or rather thinking) after a breakup in which the ex has moved on but the voice hasn't quite made it.
It's so heartbreaking: "But don't worry about me, I'll be fine It beats being lonely, I'll be fine."
Because you know he won't and you just kinda want to give him a hug (although you know that nothing you do can make him feel any better).
If there was some kind of acting award for performance in a song, Ben would get it for this. Oohhh I love (luv?) him...

I might have found my new favorite lyrics.

i wanna get this song, but i dont know where the b-side is... oh well i'll just listen to it off the dvd..