You Could Have It So Much Better Lyrics
Said I looked truly down
That I oughtta come over
And talk about it
Well I wasn't down
I just wasn't smiling at you
That your slapping my back
As if it's all alright
But it's not
I tried to get up
But you're pushing me down
Yeah you're pushing me down
So I'll get up on my own
On my TV screen
Telling us all that
It's alright because
She wears this
And he said that
If you get some of these
It'll all be alright
Yeah if you get some of these
It'll all be alright'
To be a cynical goon
Passing the masses
An easy answer
Because it won't be alright
Oh no it won't be alright
It won't be alright
Unless you get up
Come on and get up
Telling you no
Its not alright
You know you could have it so much better
You could have it so much better
If you tried

it's about thinking for yourself, and not letting the media tell you what's right and wrong.

I hear out of this song that we have to take control of our lives. We hear on TV that this or that is genetic, and this person is that way because they were raised like that. But NO You could have it so much better!
What a title track.
PS FF should come back to NA and rock my socks.

Yeay, I've never heard this song, but the lyrics are amazing!

The lyrics for the song make it rather obvious that its about the troubled boxer, Mike Tyson. Very cleverly done, references to Don King will go unnoticed to many, but read the lyrics and i'm sure you will see it.

don't know about the lyrics, but this is prolly one of the best song titles on the album

i like this, the best (not over played) song by franz ferdinand... I like it cuz most of their songs sounds like the beatles.... or maybe thats just me. Well, I come from north america, and thats pribly why... I heard that all american alternitive rock bands sound like good charolette to england-ies, and thats just mean!! well, I think this songs probly about how everyone should stop wanting things like makeup and perfume and beauty just cuz magazines tell you that itll make you life better, cuz it wont. they're saying that your life and the lives around you can be so much better if you actually do something and make a change in this totally screwed up world of ours. ta, me.

I think this probably has to do with something about corporations selling products or following the leader, coupled with the usual message of dont buy into it. The singer is trying to convince a friend or someone who has been suckered into being one of the "masses", bought by the big business or blinded by the trends set by the "popular crowd".
Also, there are some mistakes in the lyrics posted...not too major tho...
And kudos to people like pumpkinhed who post useless msgs on like "i like this band" or "i love this song" without contributing anything to the supposed discussion of the meaning of the song

This song is about not buying into what is popular and just being yourself. Plain and Simple

I think the first stanza is really relevant to the whole idea of not buying into all that advertising 'be like this' stuff. The last message you sent Said I looked truly down i think is referring to ads that try and tell you that you're not ok unless you sort yourself out with one of their products, but then he's all like na man screw you i'm cool 'i just wasn't smiling at you yeah' which is of course, a super cool philosophy and part of the reason why franz ferdinand are one of the totally cool awesome bands out there. marry me alex.

Hmm, the song sounds to be about how this person (sounds like someone close to Alex) notices that Alex seems upset with him/her, but it's really just because this person appears to just do what the media say to do - not really thinking for him/herself and Alex is trying to tell this person that "you could have it so much better" if they did their own thing.