Dead Wrong Lyrics
I'd make it a point to say so
To everyone that got me here
And everyone that made it
You said it for my sake
That I would not lose my way
When I was astray.
Trying my best to be understood
Maybe I'm changing slowly
I'd get out turn around if only I
You said it for my sake
That I would not lose my way
When I was dead wrong all along
Mine is not a new story
Mine is nothing new
But it is for me.
You said it for my sake
You thought I'd lost my way
When I was dead wrong all along
You said it for my sake
That I would not lose my way
Or are you afraid?
phenomenal song off the new cd, they're gonna be huge
Awesome song, love the intro. Vocalist sounds a bit like David Gray / Adam Levine.
This is my second fave song of their new album, The fray is now one of my faveourite bands. thier songs are so easy to relate to the lyrics rock!
I think it means that he made a choice and it was dead wrong and the other person said he was dead wrong because they were afraid but he really was dead wrong.
The meaning is almost obvious. It's about when he decided to start a band. Everyone disapproved of the life and lifestyle it would entail. But he thought it was his calling and what was best for him all along. He's proving all of the naysayers (his family??) wrong with this song. "You said it for my sake, that I would not lose my way". His family and friends already have other plans for him that he's not ready to commit to. "Mine is not a new story but it is for me," he never realized it would happen. "Did I really lose my way or are you afraid?" "You thought I'd lost my way." "
That sounds like a pretty good interpretation to me. I'll go with it.
well ya i guess its pretty easy to figure out what this song means but its a really awesome song! love it!
i think its about making an assumption about someone or something that was 'dead wrong' and now everyone hates him/her for it.
or maybe its about making a wrong decision, or heading down a wrong path e.g. alchohol and/or drugs, then the people that loved him/her try and set him straight then they see that what they were doing was 'dead wrong'.
all i have to say is 'mine is not a new story, but it is to me' really hits home. probably for a lot of people. so be sensitive and respectful. peace and love.
Actuall you guys are half right....I know the true meaning because of an interview I read with Isaac Slade when they were WAAAY underground and just starting to get big with cable it is...Slade was going to school to be an engineer but at the same time started The Fray with a couple friends for fun.....everyone around him told him that tthe band was awesome and could go somewhere....and as im sure you have noticed he was very modest about it even though he would love for the band to go big he wanted to stick to the reality of becoming an engineer versus the fantasy of being famous.....but he gave it a shot and look where he is now....this song just goes to show follow your dreams even if they are the way Slade is seriously a genius and thats why he wanted to be an engineer