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Well, That Was Easy Lyrics

Well that was easy waiting
Everything’s easy now
And the days are oh so normal
But oh, Hannah
How I miss you

I used to lock myself in your bathroom
Swallowing the Codeine kept for your back
Numb, so numb
I’d let your words
Come and come
So come on -
Kill me now
Kill me now
Kill me now
Because I’m leaving you now

That was easy, but how I miss you
That was easy, but I still miss you
That was easy, but how I miss you now

I watched you clean the filth off your phone dial
Swallowing the things your finger picked up
Tongue, your tongue
I’d watch your tongue licking on
So come
Come on tongue
Ah, come on tongue
Kill me now
Kill me now
Kill me now
As I’m leaving you now

That was easy, but how I miss you
Song Info
Submitted by
paulxne On Sep 19, 2005
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15 Meanings

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Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Sounds like they're co-dependent(drugs or something) and the one thinks the other one will never leave because they can't make it without them but he proves that he can leave although he does miss him or her.

Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Why clumsy? Why flaw? I don't think so. They just wished to create a disgusting image, and did it very well!

Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

what you consider a flaw, i consider to be the coolest line on the song.

Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Eeuuw! that is the best word in this song!

you're so lucky, ai?!

Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

Gotta dig that tempo change - Boy! I never thought guitar music would be so dancy!

Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

I can make sense out of pretty much everything else on the album, but this verse in this song, remains a mystery. Yes, they created a disgusting image, but what was the point? Was he leaving her because she was mentally/emotionally challenged in some way? Is he intimating that this was some sort of seriously sick relationship? I just think it broke the flow of the album, in a very unpleasant way.

Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

yeah, I consider the line 'clean your filth off your phone dial" actually pretty cool. I kind of think of it as maybe the dial is dirty from his ex gf using the phone along with him (being an ex who left her) and she wanted to forget him too- or get rid of the last trace of him. And think about it, if you hold a phone up to your face (especially old regular phone with cords) your germs go there and it is pretty gross the more people will use a phone and breathe into it or dial on it. THe rest of the verse does kind of give the image of her 'swallowing the thing syour finger picked up" is like her putting her fingers in her mouth- when I think lot sof people have that habit. I think its almost a silly but insightful part of hte song- almost makes it.

Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

I think its about a man who leaves his girlfriend but he now misses her. It was easy to say am leaving bt now he msses her.

Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

in my opinion they are singing about the tongue not only to shock but also mention it as a sexual symbol. i think it is typical for FF to create such confusing scenarios and it would fit their style when they drew one's attention to certain words which can be understood in more than one way.

Cover art for Well, That Was Easy lyrics by Franz Ferdinand

The line 'clean your filth off your phone dial' is probably used to convey the idea that the speaker is confused about how he feels about her. She disgusts him bt he still wants her.