Outsiders Lyrics
But we're still outsiders
If everybody's here
Then hell knows
We ride alone
But you're still my Caesar
With everything I feel
I feel you've already been here
The bright love the dark side
I know it's obvious
But sometimes
You just have to say it
So you don't feel so weak
About being such a freak
Or alone
Will you still be Camille
Lee Miller, Gala or whatever
You know what I mean, yeah
Lovers fade
But you still remain there
Squeezing in your fingers
What it means for me to be
You thought I was dreaming of you
No I didn't tell you
That the only dream
Is Valium for me
But you're still my Caesar
With everything I feel
I feel you've already been here
Lovers fade
But you still remain there
Squeezing in your fingers
What it means for me to be

Loving this song. I read in an article that it is kind of about Alex's high school years and how he was an outsider then. When it says "We've seen some change But we're still outsiders" He's saying that even though it's been a while he still feels like an outsider. I don't know if that's a bunch of crap or not, it's just what I read. This album is great, can't wait for Franz Ferdinand at the Big Day Out '06!

I just rediscovered this song after over 10 years, and boy does it hit home more than ever for me. I think I’ve constructed a pretty coherent interpretation, although it may have been colored by my own experiences. The way this song speaks to me makes me feel quite a strong conviction that I am at least close however.
“We've seen some change But we're still outsiders If everybody's here Then hell knows We ride alone”
I believe he is talking to the listeners and rest of the band. “If everybody’s here” listening to the song. As presumed fellow outsiders, he gives something of a motto that “he’ll knows we ride alone”.
“I've seen some years But you're still my Caesar With everything I feel I feel you've already been here”
Talking about a first love that was unrequited or went badly, likely because he was an outsider. It had a traumatizing effect, causing the experience to literally rule his thoughts and outlook much as Caesar did Rome. And we know that Caesar was a ruthless ruler.
“The only difference is all I see is now all that I've seen”
The only difference between the present and past is that he is now living in his memories only. He does not see the present, only what he’s already seen and regretted.
“It's bright on the outside The bright love, the dark side I know”
Love is seen as beautiful and glamorous, but the narrator has learned its dark side: regret and rejection.
“It's obvious but sometimes You just have to say it so You don't feel so weak About being such a freak Or alone”
Self-explanatory. If you don’t remind yourself that love can be dark and hard, you will feel even more lonely and freakish for getting rejected.
“In seventeen years Will you still be Camille Lee Miller, Gala or whatever You know what I mean, yeah”
As others have pointed out, these are famous muses. The singer is wondering if he will still be singing songs about this original failed love (the muse for this song) in 17 years, implying that he is wondering if he will still be alone. I don’t think the number has much significance other than having a convenient number of syllables and being a pretty long time.
“Love'll die Lovers fade But you still remain there Squeezing in your fingers What it means for me to be, yeah”
Despite relationships since then that come and go, the original trauma is the one that always remains, suffocating his thoughts and self-esteem. In fact, his original traumatic experience with love has probably led to the destruction of all his subsequent attempts at relationships. “What it means for me to be” is quite simply, his life. The trauma is squeezing him, keeping him from moving on with his life.
“The only difference is what might be is now what might have been”
Once again, living in the past. He used to think of what might be, but now he only thinks of what might have been.
“When you saw me sleeping You thought I was dreaming of you No, I didn't tell you That the only dream Is Valium for me”
Possibly the darkest verse, which makes sense since it leads into a dark sounding bridge. The narrator is so deep in depression that he can’t even think about the girl herself, and instead dreams only of ending his life with an overdose of the Valium pills he presumably was prescribed to deal with his anxiety.
“The only difference Is what might be is now”
This importantly comes after the dark bridge. I believe the bridge represents fighting through the depression. This final line is the most hopeful of the song. Despite the trauma remaining, the narrator finally recognizes that he must live in the present instead of the past. That is the only way to prevent what might be from again becoming what might have been.

This is a rehash of a track Kapranos recorded around 1996 with The Blisters, called 'The Only Difference.'(check http://www.franzferdinand.org to d/l a copy) That song was quite a bit more electronic, with only a single guitar besides the synth. The (quite different) lyrics referenced Alex's friend Andrew Conway and alluded to his job as an astrophysicist.
As for this version? I like it, but it has such a different flavour from the earlier song that they just don't compare. It's one of my favourite tracks on YCHISMB, especially considering 3/4 of the songs on the album sounded better as live bootlegs than as polished studio tracks.

Thanks for the info about "The Only Difference." This song is awesome live, and one of the best on the album. BTW, if you turn it up a bit and play it on decent speakers, you can hear a low voice saying "Fall asleep, fall asleep."
Anyways, it sounds like the singer liked the popular girl at school his whole life, but he wasnt in her crowd (just an outsider). As life continued, he still felt like he was alway a step behind the cool people. He tried to convince himself that the shiny-happy people are just putting up a facade, and eventually comes to know it's true. So when his dream-girl has gotten older and faded, she notices him finally. Except he has lost interest or given up, resorting to drugs to console him. The last line "The only difference is what might be is now" is open to interpretation....

This is so good song! I love it! that, when alex begins to sing:`` When you saw me sleeping you thought i was dreaming of you now i didnt tell you that the only dream is valium from me´´ That was so confusing to listen!!!!!!

Its about living in a different place but still being the same person who you always were beforehand, I saw this live at their SECC gig in Glasgow, it was 1 of the best performances of the night.

This song is very beautiful and the lyrics too. That's my favourite band. The best moment in the song for me is when alex sings "Lovell dies..." I love this band! ^^

I think this is one of the best songs on the cd...and lyrically very insightful. There is a lot of play on words and themes to me. When it goes " Its bright on the outside, THe bright love the dark side" the bright means even the people who are considered happy or in love still go to the dark side. AT the end of the song where he says " When you saw me sleeping you thought I was dreaming of you - I didn't tell you that the only dream is Valium for me" I feel it kind of relates to the dark side. When you are sleeping everything is dark and Valium is a drug thta will knock you out completely. And really people tend to go to the darkness to find some rest or forget. This all then ties into how ' love'll die lovers fade But you still remain there Squeezing in your fingers What it means for me to be"...as in things in life may change but it doesn't mean you have still coped with them. In part of the song he refers to a CAmille and asks "In seventeen years will you still be Camille..." which I think just goes along with times changing but still feeling like your an outsider to what goes on in the real world when "All I see is now all that I've seen."
Interestingly enough, Maybe its just me...But I hear at the very end of the c.d. at the very end of this song it sounds like a voice fades out (electronically) which seems to repeat "falling asleep, falling asleep"...as if sleeping or being on the dark side is all someone feels they can do to cope sometimes.
That's my take:-P

There is indeed a faint voice that goes "Fall asleep" or "Peace and love" depending on your inclination.
Just a side note... this song is two mashed into one. The aforementioned "The Only Difference," and one composed by Nick that no one's heard.

Wow. Has anyone seen this song live where like 6 people come n play on the drums with Paul........one of the coolest things I've seen!