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Stop The Dams Lyrics

When you're smoking tenfold in the morning
It's gonna be a cold day
When you're keeping everything inside you
It can only hurt you

Unrelated sounds
The sun will shine again
You hold it in your hands

This young land is a young land let it stay that way
Its pollution only turns you into something you don't want to see in the water
A reflection of them that you receive

You don't own the sun
And the sun won't shine again
So maybe you're all in love
With Aluminum

The cling and a clang
Is the metal in my head when I walk
I hear a sort of, this tinging noise
Cling clang

The cling clang
So many things happen while walking
The metal in my head clangs and clings as I walk
Freaks my balance out

So the natural thought
Is just clogged up
Totally clogged up
So we need to unplug these dams

And make the the natural flow
It sort of freaks me out
We need to unplug the dams
You cannot stop the natural flow of thought
With a cling and a clang

And wake me up again until
We're Aluminum
You hold it in your hands
The sun will shine again
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32 Meanings

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Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

He doesn't say smoking tin foil listen closely he says smoking tenfold as you know he smokes cigarettes smoking tenfold means smoking 10 times as much as you normally would

Lyric Correction

Nope, it's tinfoil. Damon Albarn spoke on occasion about his former addiction to heroin. He would smoke it out of tinfoil.

Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

Uhh.. i think this song is like.. hmm. how the world is so 'metal' now. everything is technology. the cling clang of it is in your head all the time because there's nothing else. people are taking out the natural-ness of the world and replacing it with metal. but i also think that this song could be about how some people's thoughts aren't their own anymore, and they can't think or speak for themselves anymore. i dunno, i can't really explain my.. explanation of the song..but it makes sense in my head. XD i really love this song though, especially the instruments used. is that a trumppeeett in some parts?

Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

Well, first off it is NOT about drugs... I mean... everyone thinks all the songs are about drugs!! The song is obvious against the building of dams, the technology, that stop the rivers, the natural flow of thought. Thats the most I get out of it, but no, I did not see anything about drugs.

Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

This song is about the StopTheDams campaign.

It also refers to The Wizard of Oz with the Tin Man (cling clang of his head due to him needing oil) also wants a heart - with the lyrics attacking the industrilists for also not having a heart.

Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

I believe this song is about an environmental occurrence in Iceland. If you go to the Gorillaz myspace, they had a line saying "STOP THE DAMS!" with a link to an Icelandic site about how they're getting rid of a protected habitat and replacing it with an aluminum factory. They're going to flood the land by unlocking dams and then building over it.

Hence the "so maybe you're all in love with aluminum" line. I think that line is saying they'd rather have an aluminum factory rather than wildlife. Gorillaz, along with other artists, are protesting this factory idea (Damon is very environmental) so by saying "you hold it in your hands, the sun will shine again" it tells people to stand against this idea and preserve the habitat.

By saying "this young land is a young land let it stay that way" they're telling the Icelandic people to preserve one of the last European habitats around.

Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

its a pretty song... but in that one bit when the guy talks in the song...i was hoping it would be 2d's voice. but its all good. stop the dams is a site gorillaz are supporting. i love how whatever gorillaz support they'll just make a song about it.

this song reminds me alot of the song "fix me" by cold play. they just sound similar, and theyre both pretty songs.at first when i heard this i thought it was coldplay

Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

its a pretty song... but in that one bit when the guy talks in the song...i was hoping it would be 2d's voice. but its all good. stop the dams is a site gorillaz are supporting. i love how whatever gorillaz support they'll just make a song about it.

this song reminds me alot of the song "fix me" by cold play. they just sound similar, and theyre both pretty songs.at first when i heard this i thought it was coldplay

Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

i'm sorry but i get pissed when people think all things gorillaz must be about drugs AUUUUGH!!! come on people. honestly. it's about what it says its about and that guy with that whole CLING CLANG thing killed the song. It should have been 2D talking. and that's really cool giddy-kitten. i gotta check that song out. and about the whole supporting thing, when they supported the free tibet campaign not only did they make a bite but at the live performance of Clint Eastwood look at 2D's Shirt: Free Tibet wow.

Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

Why does it piss you off? Are you too insecure with yourself that you can't speak about drugs?

Cover art for Stop The Dams lyrics by Gorillaz

how does insecurity go with capability to speak about drugs? i think you're on drugs.. it is very annoying when people go "uhhh, yeah, like it sounds like its all about like druuugs."

no. they're not. not every fucking gorillaz song is about drugs. can't you guys realize damon albarn is more clever than that?? he's one of the most brilliant songwriters EVER, stop thinking they're about drugs!!!!!