Hard to Concentrate Lyrics
Cells about to separate
Now I find it hard to concentrate
And, temporary this
Cash and carry ‘em
Stepping up to indicate
The time has come to deviate
And, take this moment to make you my family
And, finally you have found something perfect
And, finally you have found…
Mess I’m buying its
Raining down with love and hate
Now, I find it hard to motivate
Heart’s about to palpitate
Now, I’m not about to hesitate
And, want to treasure the rest of your days here
And, give you pleasure in so many ways dear
And, finally you have found…
Here we go
And, serve this woman, and honor her beauty
And, finally you have found… Yourself
This man...into your world
And now... we are as one...
The, heat-exchanger
Is, living in this figure eight
Now I do my best to recreate
And, sweet precision
And, soft collision aww
Heart’s about to palpitate
Now I find it hard to separate
And, take this woman and make you my family
And, finally you have found someone perfect
And, finally you have found…
And, take this woman and make you my family
And, finally you have found someone perfect
And, finally you have found…

For those asking if it's a synthesizer they're using in this song, it isn't. Frusciante first mutes the guitar on clean, then slowly turns up the volume knob after strumming the chord. That prevents the twang of the pick strum when performing the chord. That's how the synth-like sound is created and it's actually pretty simple to do with a Fender Stratocaster

Gee, Im glad you all had figured out that the song is about marriage, but not only. And its not about drugs, sorry, its not. Not every song by former drug-addicts is about drugs. I think its pretty clear that it
s about REPRODUCING as well.
I mean, come on,
"Hustle, bustle, and, so much muscle aww
Cells about to separate
And, estuary is, blessed but scary Heart�s about to palpitate Now, I�m not about to hesitate
My lone ranger The, heat-exchanger Is, living in this figure eight Now I do my best to recreate And, sweet precision And, soft collision aww Heart�s about to palpitate Now I find it hard to separate"
Yep. Its all about sex. I hope you all studied biology once upon a time. And its a brilliant song, I have to tell. I`ve never heard something so full of sex and so beautiful and soft Long live the RHCP, eh^^
One of the cool things about the bass line is that you have to really move your whole body to play it (at least on my acoustic bass guitar, which is extra large and which I play exclusively), which sort of parallels what you were talking about.
One of the cool things about the bass line is that you have to really move your whole body to play it (at least on my acoustic bass guitar, which is extra large and which I play exclusively), which sort of parallels what you were talking about.

this is beautiful. and it make a good wedding song, obviously.
hahaha, yes this song is about love... and no offense guys, but it is much more pragmatic than you think.
hahaha, yes this song is about love... and no offense guys, but it is much more pragmatic than you think.
someone writes: ""And, estuary is blessed but scary Our hearts about to palpitate And I’m not about to hesitate (Note: Estuary: a place where the river meets the sea; currents and water change. That is one of my FAVORITE metaphors. Anyway, when one starts to fall in a deep love, it feels amazing, but is incredibly frightening at the same time. Hearts about to palpitate... the intensity of a couple's emotions can become too much, but you never stop taking care of this person whilst...
someone writes: ""And, estuary is blessed but scary Our hearts about to palpitate And I’m not about to hesitate (Note: Estuary: a place where the river meets the sea; currents and water change. That is one of my FAVORITE metaphors. Anyway, when one starts to fall in a deep love, it feels amazing, but is incredibly frightening at the same time. Hearts about to palpitate... the intensity of a couple's emotions can become too much, but you never stop taking care of this person whilst you're together."
Okay. Anthony... Flea. First and foremost they were, and are Junkies. An estuary - yes where the river begins = where the needle enters the vein. "your heart's about to palpitate" = if you have ever injected cocaine - you know. "but I'm not about to hesitate" = He'll still take/give that shot.
The world ain't as pretty as you would like to think it is.
BTW. IV injection... worth a shot :)
That seems specious to me, given that the drug interpretation makes no damn sense at all when you take the chorus into account. Also, Flea was getting married when Stadium Arcadium was recorded. Honestly, not EVERY Red Hot Chili Peppers song has to be about pussy or heroin. :)
That seems specious to me, given that the drug interpretation makes no damn sense at all when you take the chorus into account. Also, Flea was getting married when Stadium Arcadium was recorded. Honestly, not EVERY Red Hot Chili Peppers song has to be about pussy or heroin. :)

i read somewhere that its like a song marriage proposal, written for flea to his gf/fiancee w/e.
i think...

- add to previous message, he turns the knob back to 0 after turning it up to strum the next chord and so on

This song means so much to me in my life right now. I am getting married in July and I dedicated this song to my fiance. Almost cried when i heard it.

someone mentioned not really knowing what the beginning of the song meant. maybe I'm just extra-sensitive because I just finished reading Anthony's biography, Scar Tissue, but it seems to have a lot of drug references. "temporary, this cash and carry" "hearts about to palpitate" "death defying this mess I'm buying" maybe it's about leaving that lifestyle behind and moving toward the sort of love you find in a marriage. just a thought!

I agree. I also love the hand beaten purcussion.

This song means so much to me in my life right now. I am getting married in July and I dedicated this song to my fiance. Almost cried when i heard it.

this song was written by anthony kiedis to his very best friend of all times.... flea... its a marriage proposal. the lyrics and the percusion are just amazing