Vermilion, Pt. 2 Lyrics
Stretched across my shame
All the torment and the pain
Leaked through and covered me
I'd do anything to have her to myself
Just to have her for myself
Now I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do
When she makes me sad
The unrequited dream
A song that no one sings
The unattainable
She's a myth that I have to believe in
All I need to make it real is one more reason
I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do
When she makes me sad
But I won't let this build up inside of me
But I won't let this build up inside of me
But I won't let this build up inside of me
Torn into pieces
I won't, no
I don't want to be this
(Won't let this build up inside of me)
I won't let this build up inside of me
(Won't let this build up inside of me)
I won't let this build up inside of me
(Won't let this build up inside of me)
I won't let this build up inside of me
(Won't let this build up inside of me, won't let this build up inside of me)
(Won't let this build up inside of me)
I can't make her real
(Won't let this build up inside of me)
She isn't real
(Won't let this build up inside of me)
I can't make her real
(Won't let this build up inside of me

um okay its basicall about a guy who gets a girl, goes crazy about her and loses her. the thing about it is that he loved her so much that he had this mindset that shes a better person then she really is. this is what hurts him so bad, he thinks he lost "the one" for him when really she was just some bitch but his obsession over her blinded him into thinking otherwise. so the whole time hes trying to remind himself that she wasnt who he brought her to be. and through that realization he will fianlly get over her. until then the pain is going to build up.

This song is obviously a love song, only Slipknot style. So it dances around the fact that it's a love song and goes into more of an obsession angle. Upon a deeper look, the word Vermillion means a vivid red to reddish orange. Corey Taylor's wife or girlfriend's (not sure) name is Scarlet, which is a shade of vivid red, so clearly this song is written about her.

I hate to contradict you HangmansJoke, nice theory on the song and all, but i read somewhere in an interveiw that this Song is actually a stalker's love song. Hence the part 'She isn't real' because this stalker can never actually have her. And the part 'I don't want to be this' is self-explanatory when coupled with mine... well Corey's theory on the song. But yes maybe it also has two meanings that Corey was too shy to say about in the interveiw. Hehe.

First I'd like to say that following Iowa, I lost a lot of respect for Slipknot. I would not consider myself a "maggot", however their self tittled album is in my opinion one of the best albums ever written. I figured I'd go back to my roots and scoop up Vol. 3 The Subliminal Verses, and HOLY SHIT. I am impressed. Slipknot is no longer the one dimensional band I though they were. Songs like this one break the mold of Slipknot.
If u listen to the first part its about him stalking a girl that he has a fatal attraction for... When he says that shes coming home forever. Means that he kills the girl. In his mind he's tellin himself "i wont let this build up inside of me" and "She isnt real" hes fighting a battle in his head... weather or not to kill her. And in the Second one He says "She is dressed in all of me, stretched accross my shame, all the torment and the pain, leak through and...
If u listen to the first part its about him stalking a girl that he has a fatal attraction for... When he says that shes coming home forever. Means that he kills the girl. In his mind he's tellin himself "i wont let this build up inside of me" and "She isnt real" hes fighting a battle in his head... weather or not to kill her. And in the Second one He says "She is dressed in all of me, stretched accross my shame, all the torment and the pain, leak through and covered me." the torment and the pain he put her through leaked on him meaning he is covered in her blood. He did whatever he can to have her for herself... So he killed her so no one else can have her. And now he doesnt know what to do cuz he really liked the girl but now shes dead. And he's regreting what he's done. Slipknot rules from the first to the newest albums

Fuck you, you hatin ass mother fuckers, the first album, yes was awesome, but that doent mean people dont evolve and become new people. The new CD is way past your levels so both of you shut the fuck up! P.S. SLIPKNOTS THE FUCKIN SHIT!! MAGGOT FOR LIFE BITCHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW.... darkmanyoda sound like a "jugglo" when you say anything negative about ICP... Chill out dude, please. Its one or two peoples opinion. I compleatly agree with you (minus the asshole-ness). Band are good when they first come out because that be their sound If a band changes their sound, They become a diffident creature (like ozzy did). That being said, I do not think Slipknot changes a thing, the just matured as a band. They are the same creature, with bigger teeth.
WOW.... darkmanyoda sound like a "jugglo" when you say anything negative about ICP... Chill out dude, please. Its one or two peoples opinion. I compleatly agree with you (minus the asshole-ness). Band are good when they first come out because that be their sound If a band changes their sound, They become a diffident creature (like ozzy did). That being said, I do not think Slipknot changes a thing, the just matured as a band. They are the same creature, with bigger teeth.
Slipknot has a lot of big words in their lyrics. Maybe you'd be better suited to Britney Spears.
Slipknot has a lot of big words in their lyrics. Maybe you'd be better suited to Britney Spears.
Next time, read the whole post. He wasn't insulting Slipknot, he was explain how he sees the band.
Next time, read the whole post. He wasn't insulting Slipknot, he was explain how he sees the band.
And really, if you don't have anything smart to say... don't say anything at all. Unless you're really as dumb as you sound.
And really, if you don't have anything smart to say... don't say anything at all. Unless you're really as dumb as you sound.

Well, nobody said he was intelligent.

btw any1 heard the new bloodstone version on this song? its amazing if you havent

I think this song is more like a continuation of snuff. He loved scarlet, but she broke his heart not fighting on like in Snuff, and wonders, how could this happen, so fast (which made him furious), and so far gone, Its as if she were only a dream.
it was written before snuff...but yes I think they are linked
it was written before snuff...but yes I think they are linked

This song just fucking rocks period.

There's more than one interpretation to this song, which is good. You could see it as a normal long distance attraction where the dreamer creates an image of his/hers attraction and it doesn't sum up in the real world, thus making it not true in the real world: "She isn't real"
Now this interpretation doesn't make the stalker interpretation false for it also applies well. Songs that have multiple interpretations are the best cause they enable the listener to choose which interpretation fits best for him/her.