Danger, Keep Away Lyrics
Is that space that you call mine
That place in my mind
Is that space that you call mine
Lost enslaved fatal decline
I've been waiting for this too fool (Good)
The pieces are only as good as the whole
Cut out the only thing that was right
What If I never saw you again
I'd die right next to you in the end
Is that space that you call mine
That place in my mind
Is that space that you call mine
Without hearing what I have to say
Without hearing what I have to say
Without hearing what I have to say

Wow, so aside from the horrible grammar, atrocious spelling, narrow-minded lack of analysis, and feeble attempts at shorthand and acronyms the song has some great comments...oh wait. It's called SongMEANINGS. Not Song "let me talk out of my ass for a good three sentences, which is what my third grade teacher just taught me makes up a paragraph, so I'll sound smart" Please keep the comments related to YOUR OWN opinion of THE SONG. Not whether it warrants an advisory sticker, not how great my speakers are when they're outside of your ass, not how wrong the last guy that posted is, not how it relates to other bands, and not how the band sucks now cause they sold out and their fans suck and whatever the hell else you fucks can find to bitch about. SHUT UP AND INTERPRET.
That said, here's my take on it.....
The idea of an active personality disorder comes to mind. Certain sections in his cognitive thought "places in my mind" reserved for the different... characters, if you will "that space which 'you' call 'mine'" After the first chorus, the 'normal' mind seems to come out for a bit in confusion, wondering what happened to him, scared that the 'broken' or 'crazy' mind has been gaining more and more control. All this, mind you, while still understanding that without |whatever circumstance that brought about the fragmentation| he wouldn't be where he is today. Understanding, also, that his mind broke under stress, and had to or it would be completely lost (speaking of completely lost, I'm at the "Selling myself for my own life" part). And even if "I" never saw "you" again, or if the broken mind never resurfaced, the possibility would always still be there, until he died. "I won't let you walk away without hearing what I have to say" An attempt at justification, explanation from the broken mind to the sane mind that 'mustn't be ignored, has to be understood' or something to that effect.
Keep in mind this is one man's opinion, whether it's right or wrong, it certainly took a lot more analysis than the last three pages of stupid. (Excluding anyone who actually made an attempt to interpret. Kudos to those guys)

This is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. It always leaves me with a special feeling which makes me not want to turn on any other music for a while..

This song strikes me as an attempt to explain the refusal of strayed love. How his minds process no longer belongs to him, but has willingly shifted into her control. Her words, image, scent, and authority, exist in that "place" in his mind. In letting this occur he has sabotaged himself, releasing a fate as well as her into the hands of another draw. The best line in this song..."what if I never saw you again? I'd die right next to you in the end." That says to me that even though he's not with her in a physical sense, she is with him in a spiritual sense..forever more. When his dying day arrives, he'll be with her and she with him. Very haunting. He needs freedom from this incarceration, so he won't let her walk away in the belief that she owes this to him. Amazing display of talent. Earned them a whole new realm of respect in my view. True poetry.

I saw on www.pulseofthemaggots.com that this song is corey singing through the eyes of a stalker stalking his wife.

i thought this had something to do with stalking...coz my best friends ex, well his second name sounds like stalker and thats what we all call him. hes a fucking psycho and wont leave her alone. when i here this song, all i can think about is him going mental at her. "I wouldnt let you walk away, without hearing what i have to say." I love coreys voice. very few people can get away with screaming their lungs out, and then singing oh so sweetly.

i believe this song is the most simple despite other claims, for me it was the only song meant to be taken litteraly. Its the end of the album thanks for listening. no special meanings I'd quote things from it, but whoever posted the lyrics murdered every track on the cd

omg I freakin love slipknot!!! they rock!!!!

This is the full length song. You call yourself a fan D-Caf...

hmm... i've heard this "full-length" version, and i'm unsure about whether it really is them... the style, the voice, it's all very different, and sounds more like someone has sampled the song... it means a lot more to me, though, the longer one, as whoever DID do it has added some beautiful instrumentals in the background... its a lot more of a raw song... oh, and D-Caf, your lyrics are rubbish, the ones submitted have got it right for the album version, its just amongst the extra.

the full legth version is the one D-Caf posted up, i went to the concert yesterday in bangkok thailand, they played it to start everything i dont know why, but then every song after it was crazy from Iowa and Slipknot album, none others from the new one, anyway the lyrics are the ones D-Caf posted up, slipknot kick ass, along with korn and deftones.. peace