So Close Lyrics
Throwing rocks at your window
That I never even knocked
On your front door
Never even made one chip
But if I could leave a mark
On the monument of the heart
I just might lay myself down
For a little more than I had
The last day
The last day
To spare these lies we tell ourselves
These days have come and gone
But this time is sweeter than honey

One of the most emotional songs by Evanescence ever produced, and one of the best songs of it's kind IMO. The lyrics amplify the musical excelence that is presented.
"I've spent so much time throwing rocks at your window, that I never even knocked on the front door" Obviously, this person is madly in love with someone. By throwing rocks, Amy Lee is means that she is trying to persuade this fellow by force, anger, etc. Knocking on the front door is to show your love for somone with love and tranquility. She's spending so much time just being angry, and never even trying to be kind and gentle.
"I've walked by statues, never even leaving one chip." The statues are the people in this world that she has met and delt with. Throughout her life, she's never even made an impression on them in any way.
"But if I could leave a mark, on the monument of your heart." Again, showing the deep love of this person
"I might just lay myself down a little more than I had on the last day." Because she made no impact on her lover, she's been restless, and always trying to make that impression. If she had "made one chip" on the "monument of the heart," she would have backed off, and rested on "the last day," or the day that the couple parted.
"Wait outside, and spare these lies we tell ourselves." Lying to one's self about a relationship only makes it worse. "Spare these lies" to spare the hurt that they will evenutaly cause.
"These days, they have come and gone" Love ebbs in and out
"But this time they're sweeter than honey" But this is a true love, that's better than all others, "sweeter than honey."
Truly one of the best lyrical efforts by Evanescence ever.

I was actully sopose to go to try-outs for american idol, but decided that it would be fake fame ,anyways I was going to do this song for it.. its one of my favorites even though it doesnt have very many lyrics

cool story, i doubt the judges have ever heard the song.... but its a great song

I don't really like American I dol myself 'cause I'm not really a pop fan. I think this song is sooo original and.... and.... excellent. (man nobody uses that word any more)


i mean american idol.

I like the musicality of this song, as well as the lyrics, but there isn't much words to it. Its a feel good song. :)

Wow you really know how to pick apart a song dont you!!! Great job i agree totally with you. And for Johnny-e, I REALLY agree with you thats why I didnt go to try-outs cause its gay.. Ive never heard one person tell me ' o there was a person on american Idol who did an evanescence song or godsmack, seether 12 stones or any MUSIC, in anyway shape or form and it pisses me off so back to this song'......... This is one of my favorites

I said that already!!! sry for wasting your time!!! Blessed be!

the bass player william boyd wrote this song and amy sang for it i love this song its great, but still have no idea what it means someone might just have to ask will or his sister on the evboard