Cheating on You Lyrics
Goodbye girl, it isn't over
Goodbye girl, because it's only love
Goodbye girl, you know you own me
Goodbye girl, yes, I'm a loser
Goodbye girl, you know it's only love
I'm cheating on you, yeah
I'm cheating on you, yeah
You're cheating on me
Goodbye girl, although you own me
Goodbye girl, you only owe me love, yeah
Goodbye girl, well, if you're lonely
Goodbye girl, why don't you join me?
Goodbye girl, you know it's only love
I'm cheating on you, yeah
I'm cheating on you, yeah
I'm cheating on me
I'm cheating on you
Goodbye girl
Goodbye girl
Goodbye girl

this was the first FF song I ever heard and that was about 3-5 months ago. I still love it :)

I take is its about Man who had discovered that his girlfriend cheated on him, now hes decided to cheat oh her....And then leave her.

why does everyone talks about how they feel about the song? what's the point of it i mean come on add some more things to it. Anyways well i believe this whole song is point on the fact that he leaveing his girl for he found out that she was cheating on him, and she still wants him but he doesn't want her and he wants to do the samething to her, and how this is only love to him but really he meaning lust.

I'm gonna guess- It's about cheating in a relationship!? lol, Love ya franz ferdinand!

this i have to admit i wasnt a huge fan of at first i used to skip it , but time passed on i learned to loveth

Maybe it's because I'm a girl, but I thought he cheated first.

The line "I'm cheating on me" maybe suggests that he's not intirely over this girl and is cheating on her but only to make himslelf feel better?

i think kmk natash is right, because he says he is cheating on her before he says your cheating on me

Anyone else see an amazing resemblance to the Squeeze song "Goodbye Girl" in this? I think alot of their songs are similar to Squeeze.

it's weird, he's saying, "good bye girl, why don't you join me?" i mean, that makes no sense really. unlesss it's like hes saying good bye to one girl and already moving onto the next one? or. obviously. cheating on his girlfriend. deception!