Wrote a Song for Everyone Lyrics
I was feeling strung out, hung out on the line
Saw myself going down to the war in june
All I want, all I want is to write myself a tune
Wrote a song for everyone,
Wrote a song for truth, Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Richmond bout to blow up, communication fails
If you see the answer nows the time say,
All I want, all I want is to get you down to pray
Wrote a song for truth, Wrote a song for everyone
When I couldn't even talk to you
Somebody said it's a-different now, look, it's just the same,
Pharaohs spin the message round and round the truth,
They could have saved a million people, how can I tell you?
Somebody comment on this song its simply amazing...i personally think this song is about the treatment of blacks in the 60's, because of the line " saw the people standing 1000 years in chains, somebody said its different now, look its just the same".......this might mean that the black person has always been slaved and when people say there free now-a-days they really arent...i dunno just a thought
The story behind this song is actually one of my favorites. CCR’s “producer” Saul Zantz (john fogerty really produced the music) was breathing down Fogerty’s neck to come up with the next hit song. The pressure was getting to John as he was beginning to feel that the whole future of the band hung on him and him alone. A real prelude to the bands brake up. Anyway, John’s wife at the time was trying to help him through it but he felt like he couldn’t even turn to her. In frustration, he locked him self in his study and wrote this song. His own feelings of frustration came out in a brilliant metaphor that holds a much broader meaning when listened too on the outside.
@bradburyesqu could you explain the broader meaning of the metaphor please?
@bradburyesqu could you explain the broader meaning of the metaphor please?
@bradburyesqu could you explain the broader meaning of the metaphor please?
@bradburyesqu could you explain the broader meaning of the metaphor please?
@bradburyesqu For my part, I like that Bradbury doesn't explain the broader meaning; an "exercise for the student", as it were.
@bradburyesqu For my part, I like that Bradbury doesn't explain the broader meaning; an "exercise for the student", as it were.
(And... I basically agree with this interp, and appreciate the backstory. Thx!)
(And... I basically agree with this interp, and appreciate the backstory. Thx!)
From the man himself, John Fogerty:
"Inspired by my young wife at the time. It was early '69, and I was 23 years old. We had our first child, who, at the time, was two and a half. I was sitting in my room, writing the songs, pushing my career. Without the songs, the career ends. You might be a great band, but without the songs, you're not going anywhere. At one point, my wife and I had a mild misunderstanding, I wouldn't even call it a fight, She was miffed, taking our young son out, wishing I would be more invloved. But there I was, the musician manic and possessed the only guy holding things up. Without me, it all collapses, so I'm feeling quite put apon. As she walks out the door, I say to my self, "I wrote a song for everyone, and I couldn't even talk to you." I looked at my piece of paper and changed gears. How many great leaders can't even mamage their own families? So I went with that. "Pharaohs spin the message/Round and round and true/Richmonds about to blow up" referring to nearby Richmond, California. It was actually a true emotion that took on a larger meaning. It's still a special song in the sense that it keeps my feet on the ground. You sit and write these songs, yet you try to talk to your own son and daughter and mabey\ you're totally inadequate, trying to explain life to a child. We used to record our albums very quickly and I remember finishing five different songs in one afternoon. The fifth one didn't work, and that was "Wrote A Song For Everyone." I had to start over on that one."
In my opinion this is the best Creedence song ever!!! Big call I know, BUT it is MY opinion after all. This song is so underrated.
the pain with which he delivers "couldn't even talk to you"... is fantastic, heartbreaking.
I just heard this song for the first time, after buying the album earlier today. At first I thought it was a love song, about some problems with his girlfriend/wife/whatever. But after looking at the lyrics above I realised there must be a deeper meaning to the song. It seems to me that this song is about the feelings of "oppresion by the man" and the yearning to "break free" in the 60s. In regard to Steve's comment above, I think that the chains may be a reference to all the people being "oppresed by the man" in the 60s, and them breaking free, not just black people in particular. In anycase, I love the song.
I just heard this song for the first time, after buying the album earlier today. At first I thought it was a love song, about some problems with his girlfriend/wife/whatever. But after looking at the lyrics above I realised there must be a deeper meaning to the song. It seems to me that this song is about the feelings of "oppresion by the man" and the yearning to "break free" in the 60s. In regard to Steve's comment above, I think that the chains may be a reference to all the people being "oppresed by the man" in the 60s, and them breaking free, not just black people in particular. In anycase, I love the song.
I just heard this song for the first time, after buying the album earlier today. At first I thought it was a love song, about some problems with his girlfriend/wife/whatever. But after looking at the lyrics above I realised there must be a deeper meaning to the song. It seems to me that this song is about the feelings of "oppresion by the man" and the yearning to "break free" in the 60s. In regard to Steve's comment above, I think that the chains may be a reference to all the people being "oppresed by the man" in the 60s, and them breaking free, not just black people in particular. In anycase, I love the song.
Hey idiot...you only need to click the add button once, not so many times it makes you dizzy you anal rapping whore.
Man what a creepy jerk! Why do you have to be so hateful? Anyone can make a mistake like that. You just go around putting people down to make yourself feel adequate. Why don't you get therapy, and stay off this forum until you learn how to play nice!
Man what a creepy jerk! Why do you have to be so hateful? Anyone can make a mistake like that. You just go around putting people down to make yourself feel adequate. Why don't you get therapy, and stay off this forum until you learn how to play nice!
my all time favorite CCR tune, its a song you can just feel, its country-blues bliss