Same Lyrics
The curtains drawn, the winter sun makes patterns on your face
It looks like some kaleidoscopic breathing exercise
It's the same, it's the same, it's the same
It's the same, it's the same, it's the same
Baby, won't you breathe?
I wince a little but it's not because I know the truth
The windshield of your little car is frosted through the clouds
A clear heart of air appears as we shiver on the seats
It's the same, it's the same, it's the same
It's the same, it's the same, it's the same
Baby, won't you breathe?
Baby, won't you breathe?
It's the same, it's the same, it's the same
It's the same, it's the same, it's the same

Lyric updated.
- SM Admin

"a clear heart of air appears as we shiver on the seats."
at least that's what i think.

Its utterly beautiful. completely amazing. i think its about coming to terms with your own faults, and making the people who trust you, and who can't see your flaws, aware of them. because they have ot be to trust you again. "Treat it as a test"

Personally, I think this song is about someone's death approaching. That its the acceptance of both the individual passing away(It's The Same), and those close to him/her(Treat It As A Task). And how everyone is holding onto every last moment they can(Baby, Won't You Breathe?). Just my thoughts. Absolutely love the song.
Yeh but what's the same as what??? DOESN't MAKE SENSE>...... :-@
Yeh but what's the same as what??? DOESN't MAKE SENSE>...... :-@

I was lucky enough to see these guys live some time ago, and it seemed like everything stopped as Gary sang "Hold me in your freezing arms before I have to go." Brilliant.
As for this song, it seems like the resignation of an inevitable departure. The band has said a lot of thei album came out of ill-fated relationship songs and reaction to the war in the Middle East, so it's a toss-up whether it's merely a departure or a full-fledged break-up.
"I wince a little but its not because I know the truth"
"I wince a little but its not because I know the truth"
I think that line shows that the guy dosen't know that the relationship isn't going all too hot (pun intended)
I think that line shows that the guy dosen't know that the relationship isn't going all too hot (pun intended)
Because he says earlier he is cold to her.
Because he says earlier he is cold to her.

Its the same; seems like he is referring to a feeling about someone its about a different person and he is feeling the same way he did before

the lyrics are a bit wrong aswell "A clear heart of our own peers eyes me shiver on the seats" should be: "a clear heart of us appears as we shiver on the seats" and "clouds" should be: "glass"
"us" makes more sense but it dosen't match phonetically. Its most defiantly "air"
"us" makes more sense but it dosen't match phonetically. Its most defiantly "air"

"A clear heart of air appears as we shiver on the seats."

They're breaking up and she's leaving -- this time for good. She's convinced herself that things will be better somewhere else, but he knows it's not true. He's in her car trying one last time to convince her to stay, but her mind is made up. It's cold. He gets out of the car, and she drives away.

My interpretation is that it's about a car crash and the aftermath - I know it's wrong, but it's what came to me.
His lover/wife in the coffin in their house before the funeral
Maybe somewhere else Will not be half as cold as me (The cold, hollow feeling of someone you love dying) The curtains drawn the winter sun Makes patterns on your face It looks like some kaleidoscopic breathing exercise (Him and her are alone, and he's looking at her one last time, trying not to cry)
It's the same (She's still dead, no matter what he does)
Baby won't you breathe
Flashback to right after the cars stop moving
Hold me in your freezing arms before we have to go I wince a little but it's not because I know the truth (They're both very near death) The windshield of your little car is frosted through the glass (Frosted, as in cracked or smashed) The clear heart of air appears as we shiver on the seats (shivering from shock, or cold?)
It's the same
Treat it as a test Baby wont you breathe (Encouragement to get her to pull through) It's the same