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Nothingwrong Lyrics

Hold them down, our bleeding suspects
Just because
Just cause?
Just who are you
By candlelight burn, burn, burn baby
Burn, burn whose turn
Who gets a taste today?

We've done nothing wrong
But we've done nothing
We can't look away but we're just looking
It's second nature to say,
We've done nothing wrong

Turn them off, our blacklist singers
Don't ask why
Don't cry; don't make a scene
On 45 spin, spin, spin give in
Spin, spin, who wins?
Who's not afraid to play?

We've done nothing wrong
But we've done nothing
We can't look away
But we're just looking
It's second nature to say,
We've done nothing

Done nothing but take what's handed down,
Said nothing but what's approved to shout
We want to know that we can own the cake we're eating,
Then spit it out

Hold them down, our bleeding suspects
Turn them off, our blacklist singers

We've done nothing wrong
But we've done nothing
We can't look away
But we're just looking
It's second nature to say:
We've done nothing wrong
Song Info
Submitted by
_valerie On Sep 22, 2004
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23 Meanings

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Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

I agree with j justice. This song can be interepreted as a political statement, but it can be used to describe any situation of non-chalant apathy. It can be a message about the war in Iraq, but it can also be a message about the homeless man on the street or a bird with a broken wing We (or you) did not put the man on the street or break the bird's wing, so you have done nothing wrong, but did you do anything to help it. This song becomes a fast-paced critique of our modern world, not just youth culture. We did not pollute our water or amass nuclear weapons, but have we broken away from our tv screens to fight them? The message is also timeless because it does not have to be limited to a contemporary topic. Imagine high school or something. We all saw someone getting picked on and we all just stood by, caring only about ourselves. We did nothing wrong (we didn't pick on the kid), but did we stop the bully. Since everyone can relate to these human issues (isolation and betrayal) the song becomes more than a political thing. While I am agaisnt the Iraq war I think it is too easy and too tempting to relate any kind of message to the war. I think the war and all the political hulla-ba-loo has created plenty of inspiration for art and discourse, but not evrythins is about it. Peace.

Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World


Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

yeah i go for blacklist singers as well.

Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

this song is easy if you just pay attention to the words while not listening to the song.

what i get from it is america. us as americans being those who just "want to know if they own the cake" taxpapers, homeowners, ect. with the war in iraq there has at least trippled the amount of silent protesters at every event. not just random punks, but middle and even upper middle class. these people are not standing for whats going on. though they are just "looking in" and "can't just look away".


Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

yeah, the first thing i thought of when i heard this song was the war in Iraq and how as individuals we haven't done anything wrong but we haven't done anything right either, because the whole thing is just a big mess

Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

i'm going to use all my willpower and not try to make a political statement. I'll just say, "We've done nothing wrong, but we've done nothing"? If Gen Echo had matching jackets, that would be embroidered on the back.

Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

DUDE i don't get it! cool song though.

Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

this is one of the best songs on the new album in my opinion, although it stands out as its not as layered, complicated or thought through as the other songs. but its v.catchy

Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

The guitar solo in this song just simply kicks ass. It needed to be longer.

Cover art for Nothingwrong lyrics by Jimmy Eat World

Yeah, I not sure what this song is supposed to mean, but perhaps it relates somehow to the whole growth, drug, or relationship theme of the CD. Initial response tells me that this song is about overcoming. Like when you get to a situation where you can't help but blame yourself for the outcome, even though it should have turned out alright. I dunno. Nevertheless I agree with unknown user, the solo is great!