176 Meanings
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Bury Me In Black Lyrics

I said, we'll drown ourselves in misery tonight
White lies, you've worn out all your dancing shoes this time
Just give us war, worn lipstick, blood, and purifying flame

These eyes have had too much to drink again tonight
Black skies, we'll douse ourselves in high explosive light
Just give us war, worn, I've been calling you all week for my shotgun

Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone, fucker

I wanna see what you're insides look like (I want to see what your insides look like)
I bet you're not fucking pretty on the inside (not so pretty)
I wanna see what you're insides look like (you're not so pretty baby)
I wanna see ‘em (not so)

Well you don't say
And well I can't explain what happened to my faith late last night
I sleep in empty pools and vacant alleyways
And what I'm goin’ through, shot lip gloss through my veins
And well, I can't complain
With the falling rain


I wanna save your heart
I wanna see what your insides may be like
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176 Meanings

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Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Death Rock is nothing like Death Metal...its a subgenre off of Punk. Heres a little thing taken off of Wikipedia.com

Deathrock emphasizes a creepy atmosphere and an introspective mood within a characteristally punk or post-punk music structure. Songs typically use simple cords, echoing guitars, a prominent bass, creative drumming, and repetitive or tribal beats, all within a 4/4 time signature. To create atmosphere, scratchy guitars and/or keyboards are used and experimentation with other instruments to produce unusual sounds is encouraged.

Lyrics are typically introspective and angsty; they deal with the dark themes of isolation, irony, disillusionment, loss, death, etc. all of which are designed to strike an emotional chord with the listener.

However, this places a great demand on the lead vocalist to convey complex emotions, so the lead vocalists are typically charismatic and have strong, distinctive or unusual voices in order to stand out from the heavily atmospheric and rhythmic music.

Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

This is my favourite song of them, and I've tried to understand it for a long time.

My thoughts are that Gerard is talking with himself, the "wrong" Gerard talking with the "right" Gerard.

I don't know if someone have thought this but: "Shot lipgloss through my veins" ---> Heroin? I've always thought that. He is completely alone, no support, just himself.

I guess the last two phrases are reffering from the "right" Gerard to the "wrong" Gerard. Best song of the band.

Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Wow a lot of people like this song, goes to shoe MCR should go back to the more aggressive side like they used to be. If they keep up with the Three Cheers-type sound, MTV will be all over them, so hopefully their new cd will be as good as I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love.

@TheShowerScene this comment aged fabulously

Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

i think this album is plenty dark .. but i really wish there was another place to find this song!!!!! the lyrics sound so kikass. maybe they put this on this album to show their old fans they stil have their old awesomeness and only the real fans would even kno to look for it. so this song wouldnt have mtv al over it

Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

i got the song! And it is SOOO HEAVY!!!! I do believe this song is about getting drunk and letting all your anger out.

"Pick up the phone fucker!" "I bet you're not fuckin pretty on the inside" "Just Give us war" "too much to drink again"

(p.s: how can i post lyrics?) i'm sorry it's shameful...

Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

lol i can already tell this is going to be a long comment.

1st of all.... XBurried in BlackX-- haha thats funny cuz this song is heavier than alot of their other ones... i didnt think it really sounded like MCR at first either.... hehe... your prob rite. could b mistaken....

2nd of all........ i love this song, its great... i found it online and downloaded it... i was kinda mad it didnt go on an album... made it hard to find it 0.o

3ly... About the whole Poser Vs. "realy Fan" issue, i think that alot of kids really do just like bands for their hits.... but so what?? i mean you cant make a direct link between a band getting popular and them going on Mtv and the whole poser thing. For one this topic really upsets me cuz who is to say that ppl r posers??? and if they r let them b. As for me It's normally all about the Lyrics... to me thats what makes a song stand out. And yeah the first time I heard of MCR was when i heard Im not okay over the radio. And so what??? i liked the song and it made me set out and find All their other songs. Just cuz the way somebody finds a band doesn't tell yooh if theyre a poser or not.... if your gunna go and call me a poser just cuz i didnt kno of MCR in their basement days than fine... i really could care less what you think. Another thingi is, that i only have a few friends among the group i hang around that i actually take advice on music from. Meaning my outlets r limmited. so ya.... idk. i think everyone just needs to forget about who is a poser and whos not. Its pretty hard to find a band where almost EVERY SINGLE song is awesome... so regardless of what anyone else thinks, Im going to keep listening to MCR and the what ever other music. Im not tryin to b a pain in the ass, but i strongly advise everybody to listen to what ever the hell you end up liking and, if u will, just b yourselves.

@dIeInG4yOoH! I know I'm late to the party, but this post is the essence of punk. be like this person. don't give a shit.

Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

I came here to find out out what other people thought about this song and i'm sitting here reading what all you fine young people have to say, i'd like to put in my two cents. Myself, I think of MCR as categorized as death metal, yes good old death metal, but that's just me . But who really gives a shit if they are punk, pop, emo , or whatever, who care's if they are on MTV, they made it that's all that matters, i'm glad they did,(I was so excited after all this time to see them on TV, i think I may have peed my pants a little) you seem like you are all glad they did. Who cares if people talk about how cute frank is or how hot gerard is(and they are) , who gives a shit that's their opinion and you know secretly it is yours too, Some people just have to say it outloud to be heard. We all like the band for their music that's why we buy the albums, so if someone heard the band for the first time in a shit hole in jersey three years ago or for the first time on trl yesturday and really digs the music today who cares,(it doesn't make them a poser it makes them a new founded fan or an old fan for three years) maybe they like one song the only one song they heard that will make them go out and buy the album, or maybe they know every song by heart that MCR wrote, who cares? What matters is that we are all here for the very same reason, we are all fans and we should continue to be fans and not judge anyone. This is after all a song meaning board.

Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

I loooove this song!!!!!!!!!! my fave part is when he says "We'll douse ourselves in high explosive light" it's so...... silence

I like it, 'cuhz it's real hard, but it stl has a nice tune.

Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

this is one of their many brilliant songs...i don't know how he can make such beautiful music out of pure insanity...i think that is where his genius lay and why he can capture so many different types of fans...because all of those ugly emotions that he lets out...they are in all of us every day...but mostly suppressed...and he turns them into beauty. that's what i think anyway and i could be completely wrong. but about the whole "real fan" thing...i agree that the reason you like the band is more important than how you heard about them. i love mcr because they give me a wonderful release after a hard day, because their music makes me want to scream and dance and cry tears of sweet relief...no music has ever evoked such raw emotion from me. and i will always love them for that. ok, i'll shut up i know i've been rambling too long. thanks for reading.

Cover art for Bury Me In Black lyrics by My Chemical Romance

yah my grammar pretty much sucks...sings I dont profread...