69 Meanings
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Soft Lyrics

I used to see you every day
Used to see you every day
I danced around your folk and soul
I danced to all your fucking soul
I left you with your nose a bleedin'
And your toes a creepin' around
Ahhh so mundane and incomplete
Hand me down my pants and get me off this street

I'm passed out in your garden
I'm in I can't get off so soft
I'd pop myself in your body
I'd come into your party, but I'm soft

Behind the fringe of a whiskey high
Mutiliating cat like eyes
And in your nose blood decadence
You try to drag me into your bohemian dancing
You paint my fingers and you paint my toes
You let your perfect nipple show
Song Info
Submitted by
fairies_wear_boots On Nov 27, 2004
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69 Meanings

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Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

soft "i'm passed out in your garden"-clearly he is drunk

"i'm in, i can't get off, so soft"- he is captivated by her, he wants to "get off", but when your drunk its almost impossible to get hard.."so soft"

"i'd pop myself in your body"- if he was hard he would, without hesitation, fcuk her

"i'd come all over your party but i'm soft"- and im pretty sure you can figure this one out

all in all its pretty disgusting, yet i like the starting verse(maybe about missing her, he used to see her everyday, and he must have done everything for her-"i danced aorund your fucking soul")

but the beat and flow of the music makes up for some of the lyrics, agreed?

My Interpretation

@myopinion I think you're totally right.

Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

"Two songs on the disc refer to his anxiety about going bald, and another one called "Soft" is fairly self-explanatory. "If all people want to talk about is, 'The Kings of Leon do drugs and hang out with models,' I'm gonna give it to them straight," he says. "You want to talk about how you saw me doing blow with such-and-such supermodel? Well you know what my rebuttal is gonna be? 'I couldn't get my dick hard that night.'""


Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

it makes sense if its about a girl/model doing coke and caleb not being able to have sex with her from being drunk.

"and in your nose blood decadence"- cocaine abuse causes nose bleeds

"you try to drag me into your bohemian dancing"- taking coke which makes her feel auphoria, making her dance in a bohemian manner.

"you let your perfect nipples show"- shes sexually arroused from the drug. she wants to sleep with him.

"i'd pop myself in your body" "i'd come into over your party but i'm soft"- he wants to have sex with her, but he cant because he has had a lot of whisky and is impotent.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

lol, i thought that sushi_rocks. apparently its about gate crashing a party, maybe he wants to gate crash but hes too soft, i dont have a clue but this song in undoubtily the best on the album. it makes me wana scream it out WHOO and also, its started a weird crush on the lead singer....

Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

I believe that this guy's comment was written when he was doing crack. A lame and funny comment.

You made me laugh so much.

Not Valid

i believe you're a retard.. cos thats exactly what the songs about..

My Opinion
Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

doesnt happen to me softy hahahaha!!!!!! sucks for you

Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

Haha, one of their best songs EVER. Definitely my favourite on "Aha Shake Heartbreak."

My Opinion
Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

It's a reference to his penis.

Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

I think it's about trying to hook up with someone at a party, but he can't fulfill his desire to "come into (her) party" because he is incompetent due to the consumption of alcohol and copious amounts of coke. After snorting a lot of coke, your nose can bleed and you feel horny, but your body doesn't respond to those hormones.

Cover art for Soft lyrics by Kings of Leon

perfect nipple=clitoris

passed out in your garden= his limp penis is inside her vagina (garden)