For those who've kept
Themselves jacked up
How Jesus wept
For those who speed
For those who try to slow their minds with weed
With a blind headache
Who must be still
Who will sit and wait
For sunday, to be monday
Do nothing today
Give yourself a break
Let your imagination run away
For those who wilt
Under pressure
No tears over spilt milk
Do nothing today
Give yourself a break
Let your imagination runaway
Do nothing today
Give yourself a break
Let your imagination runaway
I don't believe its about working hard and needing to have a day to just sit down and unwind. Its more or so a meaning in which someone is going through troubles such as drugs, depression, stressed out, and love. The song is saying that sometimes you just need to relax and let go of all those troubles. Free your mind from your hardships and just calm down. The reason she uses Sunday then any other day is that it is the day of rest according to the Christian bible.
I think it is about someone who worked hard and someone is giving him/her a break.I also think that it is about someon who is really in need for Sunday to come.(who would want Sunday,which a very boring day of the week.....)
I think this song is about the use of sundays. alot of people say 'i hate sundays, there's nothing to do!'
But there are alot of people that are actually in need of a sunday, it's a totally unique day really.
clever idea.
I really like this song - lyrically and musically. I think it's got a religious connotation - undoubtedly there is the reference to Jesus and Sunday is generally known as "the day of rest".
I'm glad I have off Sundays now because this is how I spend them. Relax, let the hours drift on by without caring. Watch the clouds, fall asleep at the beach, take a drive with no destination. Sunday, lazy Sunday.
I agree slightly with Amy. I think this song is more about how the whole world is always trying to keep themselves busy, and when sunday comes around-there is nothing to do since it's the day or rest. So people get anxious and wait "for Sunday to be Monday".
I think Sia is saying to just so with it-and take a break. ENJOY sunday.
I don't think this song is as involved as you all think. My interpretation is simple: Sia sings about drug addicts and partiers - "For those who've kept themselves jacked up...For those who speed, for those who try to slow their minds with weed...For those who wake with a blind headache" They rest on Sunday (who doesn't? I know I do) which, to religious people, is the day of rest as yall mentioned earlier, but the "Jesus wept" part means she (and Jesus, obviously) doesn't condone the partying, but "it'll be okay...give yourself a break" The "guilt...wilt...milk" part still refers to the partiers...they feel guilty for all the crazy things they've done, the drugs and alcohol wilt them, in a sense.
Simple as that.
Actually, Saturday is the day of rest according to the bible (sabbath). The catholics decided to change it to sunday. But i do think it's a religious refference, between the fact that jesus doesn't appreciate his people doing drugs and that sunday is "his day" according to the catholics and what not
i definitely agree with the more recent interpretations: this song is not just about being busy and resting on sunday. i saw it more about all the people that are doing these "unholy" things throughout the week, but then when sunday rolls around, they feel guilty and it's like "its okay. we're okay because we go to church on sunday and abstain from these things." they wake up sunday morning feeling like crap after their weekend, then just bide their time, recovering, until it's monday and they can start the cycle again. it's hypocrisy. and it makes jesus cry.
mm. i like the more simple interpretations. the world is an anxious place. we need to start actually using sunday instead of wishing it would pass.