14 Meanings
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Stormy Weather Lyrics

It is time
It is time for
It is time for stormy weather

It is time (x2)
Oh ho, it is time for stormy weather

For stormy weather (x3)

It is time (x2)
Whoaw, it is time for stormy weather

It is time (x2)
Oh ho, it is time for stormy weather

For stormy weather (x5)

It is time (x2)
Whoaw, it is time for stormy weather
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14 Meanings

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Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

If stormy weather is supposed to equal bad times, this song certainly doesn't sound like it. It sounds like refreshing rainfalls and spectacular lightshows in the clouds...something beautiful. I remember listening to this song once in my car during damn near torrential rains at noon...the whole experience, as simple as it was, will be with me forever.

Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

Stormy weather = Bad times

I think...

Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

Now that's good lyrics :). The soound is very good too

Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

I believe this was a look into the bands rocky realationship. This was a direct hint that there were problems... Kim probably wasn't too happy at this point in the band and Black probably was telling us... hey we are having problems so don't be suprised when we break up a year or two from now. I'm so glad they are having a reuninon

Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

This song is amazing. I can listen to it 100x in a row. The lyrics are purposely overly simplistic. It is a song that conveys a single feeling and that is all it is about - stormy weather. I don't think this is about the band's situation either.

Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

francis black does a lot of refferences to biblical stories... i think he talks about Noah and the Deluge

Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

I agree with lantern bearer, there is some tao reference to change being a good thing even if its application may seem bad at the time, ie without change there is no evolution, and although stormy weather might seem bad at the time, obviously it is essential for the existence of all life

Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

If I had to choose the worst/my least favorite pixies song, it would be this. The only pixies song not on my ipod...

Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

I can see how this is your least favoirite Pixies songs. I dig it a lot. It can be appreciated only in context if you already know what the pixies are usually capable of doing. this minimalist song is like hearing the unspoken potentials hidden in songs like their 'wild honeypie' cover. most important factor: it rocks.

Cover art for Stormy Weather lyrics by Pixies

it is time for stormy weather can mean a million different things, in new jersey getting hit with a storm=good waves over the following days so i love listen to this when the wind is howling and rain is pouring knowing i will soon be surfing a good swell