She Lives in My Lap (feat. Rosario Dawson) Lyrics
What's wrong?? What are you afraid of??
The Love Below
She stays alone, never sheds a single tear
She stays in the coolest moods, clearly woman of the year
She and all her girlfriends, they go out dressed to win
She comes back to the cooler side of town
but she lives in my lap
She lives in my lap {*repeat 6X*}
Forever my fiance
She lives in my lap
Don't need no chain
She lives in my lap
I'll get the courage one day
Make me want you, make me miss you
make me wonder where you are, then forget you
Girl remind me, just who we are
We're oh so close, but yet so far
Rosario Dawson: Baby why are you acting like this??
I don't care about any of them...
I care about you!
Baby I Love you!
Just Come inside (baby)
It's yours (it's yours)
I'm yours (i'm yours)
For sure (for sure)
Play baby play...

Like 'Under My Thumb' by The Rolling Stones, this is about a woman who the character singing the song has in his lap like a pet.
Actually, that hypothesis doesn't really hold for the latter verses. Anyone?

The line could also be interpreted as "Don't leave, don't stay" and not "Don't need no chain."
Gives a sense that he doesnt want to lose her...
I think he's talking about a girl who is his but he won't claim her--if that makes sense. He wants to keep her as his girl but not his wife.
First verse--she goes out with her GIRLFRIENDS and is happy about it. She's not out looking for another man.
Second verse--Fairly obvious. They are oh so close, but yet so far as in being an official couple. He loves her and he is hers for sure...She is forever his fiance. And as any married man will tell you, once they eat that wedding cake it's game over.
I would say if anyone could decode what song the scratches are from would help out a lot. I have no idea who it is sadly.
The scratches in the song are from the Geto Boys, My minds playing tricks on me. He saying "I HAD A WOMAN DOWN FOR ME..." This is one of my favorites! This is a song about complicated love... Hes having a arguement w/ his own self about staying or not but in the end shes forever his. Also Im taking that its about a departed loved one (listen to the scratches, then Rosario Dawson (the female voice) comes in to haunt him, but brings a memory of the good times (at the begining where shes laughing). Ive always loved...
The scratches in the song are from the Geto Boys, My minds playing tricks on me. He saying "I HAD A WOMAN DOWN FOR ME..." This is one of my favorites! This is a song about complicated love... Hes having a arguement w/ his own self about staying or not but in the end shes forever his. Also Im taking that its about a departed loved one (listen to the scratches, then Rosario Dawson (the female voice) comes in to haunt him, but brings a memory of the good times (at the begining where shes laughing). Ive always loved this song, but after my boyfriend pasted, this song has a deeper meaning. This is Andre 3000 at his best
The scratches in the song are from the Geto Boys, My minds playing tricks on me. He saying "I HAD A WOMAN DOWN FOR ME..." This is one of my favorites! This is a song about complicated love... Hes having a arguement w/ his own self about staying or not but in the end shes forever his. Also Im taking that its about a departed loved one (listen to the scratches, then Rosario Dawson (the female voice) comes in to haunt him, but brings a memory of the good times (at the begining where shes laughing). Ive always loved...
The scratches in the song are from the Geto Boys, My minds playing tricks on me. He saying "I HAD A WOMAN DOWN FOR ME..." This is one of my favorites! This is a song about complicated love... Hes having a arguement w/ his own self about staying or not but in the end shes forever his. Also Im taking that its about a departed loved one (listen to the scratches, then Rosario Dawson (the female voice) comes in to haunt him, but brings a memory of the good times (at the begining where shes laughing). Ive always loved this song, but after my boyfriend pasted, this song has a deeper meaning. This is Andre 3000 at his best

The scratches in the song are from the Geto Boys, My minds playing tricks on me. He saying "I HAD A WOMAN DOWN FOR ME..." This is one of my favorites! This is a song about complicated love... Hes having a arguement w/ his own self about staying or not but in the end shes forever his. Also Im taking that its about a departed loved one (listen to the scratches, then Rosario Dawson (the female voice) comes in to haunt him, but brings a memory of the good times (at the begining where shes laughing). Ive always loved this song, but after my boyfriend pasted, this song has a deeper meaning. This is Andre 3000 at his best

just a note, the lyrics in the album book say "Don't leave, don't stay" not "don't need no chain", like I've seen on several sights.
I had always interpreted it, as some ppl here have said, as being about a difficult relationship in which one, or both don't want to committ. Or he knows she's not the one but wants her to be, after growing attached. "make me want you, make me miss you" Maybe Im biased by comparing it to situations Ive been in. "make me wonder where you are then forget you" Perhaps at the same time he's saying, make me/let me forget you (I'll get the courage one day) to face the truth that we're not meant to be. Until then forever my fiancee. this isn't going anywhere- so make me love you, or make me forget you.
However it's use in Idlewild, I guess could make people go the Lost/Dead Love route
Thank you so much I thougt I was the only one that knew that gosh people come n.
Thank you so much I thougt I was the only one that knew that gosh people come n.

i think it's about his fiance, who goes out socially w her girls to have a good time or what have you & goes back home to him... "don't need no chain" basically meaning, that he trust her implicitly ; he let's her go out & chill w the ladies, she ain't on a "leash" more or less -- & she's making him fiend for her, want her, miss her ; just the thought about where she might be or what she may be doing just makes her more appealing to him but at the same time more mysterious... like she most likely has dudes tryna kick it to her left & right, but she just be on some cool shit & explaining to her fiance like "i don't care about any of them, i care about YOU, i'm w you" & she just basically got his ass open like a book & one day he'll build up the courage to officially wife her ... but idkkk that's my take on the whole song anyway lol
*song is crack tho ;- )

Nobody has a comment about this song?
It's about a man wanting to be with his dead killing himself!
that' not what the song is about at all. I asume you have that idea because it was in that scene in idle wild but htis song came out way before they even started writting that movie and was originally meant to be part of a noth film starring andre 3000 called the love below, the side of the album love below was actually ment to be the sound track to that film. which is also why the love below is not apart of the idewilde soundtrack it doesn't relate to the ilm at all.
that' not what the song is about at all. I asume you have that idea because it was in that scene in idle wild but htis song came out way before they even started writting that movie and was originally meant to be part of a noth film starring andre 3000 called the love below, the side of the album love below was actually ment to be the sound track to that film. which is also why the love below is not apart of the idewilde soundtrack it doesn't relate to the ilm at all.

I think that u are right to an extent about the theory about her being in his lap as a pet is... But more thoroughly, It is about her coming and going. She is not physically with him, but he holds her dear to him. He carries her close to him wherever he goes. Metephorically speaking its like he cradles her as you would a pet even though she is not physically present

^ the opposite is true...
I get that he wants her to stop being so clingy...
"I want to miss you"
I've said that verbatum before...
no you're wrong about that and "I want to miss you is not a lyric to this song at all"
no you're wrong about that and "I want to miss you is not a lyric to this song at all"

I have no idea what she lives in my lap means. I came here to find out, but the song is basically saying he's not ready for a commitment/marriage (forever my fiance). But he wants to marry her (I'll get the courage one day). And the scratches at the end of the song comes from Ghetto Boys-My mind is playing tricks on me. In Scarface's verse he says "I had a woman down for me" & "Now I'm realizing that I love her"

"she and her girfliends go out dressed to win" "Make me want you, make me miss you" "We're oh so close, but yet so far" "Play baby play..."
To me, is like a love story, an impossible love with a stripper... "but she lives in my lap"