Such A Shame Lyrics
You'll always be the same
'Cause you're sad, you're sad
And you play a vicious game
'Cause you're bad, you're bad
And you may end up in pain
'Cause you're mad, you're mad
I think you're horrible
A waste of space
I think you're horrible
A waste of space
But you never see
You'll always be the same
I'm sickened for the mother who endured your pain, your, your
You'll always be the same
I'm sickened for the mother who endured your pain, your, your, your
Arrogance, ignorance
Arrogance, ignorance, your, your, your
I should think you're very sad
It's your bad behavior
For the things you never had
It's your bad behavior
I think you're horrible
A waste of space
I think you're horrible
A waste of space
Who cares, but you'll never see
You'll always be the same
I'm sickened for the mother who endured your pain, your, your
You'll always be the same
I'm sickened for the mother who endured your pain, your, your
Such a fool, such a fool
Such a clown, such a clown
Such a shamble...
Such a fool, such a fool
Such a clown, such a clown
Such a shamble...
Such a fool, such a fool
Such a clown, such a clown
Such a shamble...
Arrogance, ignorance,
Arrogance, ignorance, your, your, your)

It's funny to hear a song so angry be sung so happily. It's a strange combination of light-heartedness and utter hatred. I like it. I love the phrase, "A waste of space." In my opinion, that's one of the worst things you could say about somebody...if only because you likely mean it, unlike most insults.

I agree with this thoughts,words and people can be so stupid,selfish,cruel(including ourself) so it's good to tell them the truth about who they really are because of their behavior. They got to learn from their own mistakes and change,cause a change will do them good. This songs is for all the thankless,selfish,ignorant,cruel,bad ones that hurt the people they should cherish and love,because they don't deserve their atention and kindness. As I am a christian I should forgive,but I am not that perfect as God is. Forgivness is for the ones that change and see their mistakes of wich they're sorry for.
I fave a friend,a male friend,mr. know-it-all.He thinks he knows best,he's always right about everything he says cause his the brightess. He's so good with words, but when he has to do somthing to proove he knows it he fails,but still convincin everyone that he's right and somthing else is gone wrong. I told him what a bestard he is and he didn't mind he even changed for a while. Who finds a true honest friend in this world he is surely a very lucky one,it's very hard to find if he egzists. So this song is made for people like him and I have nothing more to say than it's said above in the song.
If you have a pat a cat or a dog or both thay will be always there for you and understand you more than anyone else. Blessed are the ones who have parents around them,a mother or a father if not both cause the people that made you can be your best friends forever.
As for me I can be good and I can be bad,but still I will apologize if i mistaken,missunderstood,if I done somthing wrong,if I hurt someone I will trully hate myself for that.I'm proud to say I'm sorry.