Never Grow Old Lyrics
Strange it may seems
It was my perfect day
I realize
This is my perfect day
Hope you never grow old
Hope you never grow old
Hope you never grow old
They look so high
This is my perfect day
I feel at ease
It is my perfect day
Hope you never grow old
Hope you never grow old
Hope you never grow old
I hope you stay
Forever young

Hey, the song's name is Never Grow Old. That should be fixed.

I think it's about a person, hoping a person never loses it's "inner child", or sense of playfullness and humour.

I think it's hoping that someone never loses their "inner child, sense of humor, playfullness, and spontanity.

Or it might just be about one of Dolores' children - as simple as that ;) Still, the 'inner child' interpretation is pretty interesting - I never thought about it this way.

We wish somethings to stay forever as they were before,never to change.I wish I could freeze some moments from my life ,to turn them back ,to repeat it all over again-some of the best memories,times that i had in life. Or, it could be our little dreams that we kept safe in our heads,somthing we wish for to come true someday.
It describes a beautiful day,a walk by the river,trough the nature -like the forest. To never grow old to be forever like it is in that moment in that time we felt love for somthing...
I admire people who kept their inner child that means that they are still young at heart.

Lyrics are simple and the melody is kinda spooky.. But when cranberries sang it, it turn into absolute beauty. It is kinda "laid back" "relax and ponder" type of song.. Great!! But may be not for Animal Instinct or Zombie lovers of Cranberries.

Absolutely. This song shows how beutiful they are!

This song makes me sad.. I think of somebody hoping that they're loved one doesn't ever grow old...change...lose their youth, and eventually die. But of course everybody eventually dies.

This section is wrong:
"I feel the breeze / I feel it is / It is my perfect day"
The second line should be: "I feel at ease"
I love the song, though =)

Ugh! Where's the edit button? :-o