86 Meanings
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Do Me a Favour Lyrics

Well, the mourning was complete
Where there was tears on the steering wheel, dripping on the seat
Several hours or several weeks
I'd have the cheek to say they're equally as bleak

It's the beginning of the end
The car went up the hill and disappeared around the bend
Ask anyone, they'll tell you
That it's these times that it tends
To start to break in half, to start to fall apart
Hold on to your heart

And do me a favor and break my nose
Or do me a favor and tell me to go away
Or do me a favor and stop asking questions

Well, she walked away while her shoes were untied
When the eyes were all red
You could see that we'd cried
And I watched, and I waited 'til she was inside
Forcing a smile and waving goodbye

Curiosity becomes a heavy load
Too heavy to hold, too heavy to hold
Curiosity becomes a heavy load
Too heavy to hold, will force you to be cold

And do me a favor, and ask, if you need some help
She said, do me a favor, and stop flattering yourself
And to tear apart the ties that bind
Perhaps "fuck off" might be too kind
Perhaps "fuck off" might be too kind
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86 Meanings

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Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

Hmm I dunno zagadooga. I reckon the guy cheated on her and he had to tell her and nothing she could say to him was on the same level as what he'd done "Perhaps fuck off might be too kind"

And he feels guitly hence the "DO me a favour, break my nose"

He cheated cause he was curious "Curiosity becomes a heavy load. Too heavy to hold"

But that's just me

Then why was "Till she was inside, forcing a smile and waving goodbye" why would he be smiling if he broke up with her? Secondly why would "It's these times that it tends. The start to breaking up, to start to fall apart" do you see that as his excuse?

Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

I agree with the person above- this song is very visual, and I always picture the story in my head when I listen to it. I also always picture it in black and white- does anyone else get this from this song? hahaha.

I agree that it's a song about cheating, but I also think the guy who cheated ended up falling for his lover, and he now has to tell his significant other that he's cheated on her and fallen for the other girl. I don't know, I got that because he says, "and the eyes were all red, you could see that we'd cried." I mean, he was crying 'cos it was hurting him to tell her that he had found someone else. If he had just been with someone else for one night because he was itching for a woman, then he would've been begging for forgiveness, telling his girlfriend it meant nothing, not crying along with her.

And he doesn't get mad at her (and he really has no right to be mad at her either, cheating scum!), he tries "forcing a smile" as she leaves. And then he says "do me a favor and ask if you need some help," as if she needed help moving on from him, since apparently he had already moved on from her. She's kind of offended and says, "stop flattering yourself." The fact that he's found someone else while being with his girlfriend does make him feel bad though, and he says that to tell him to fuck off would be too nice of a reply. He knows he's a jerk.

My interpretation is probably a little too deep, but a few lyrics here and there lead me to that conclusion. And if this song is about one of the guys in the band, I could see it being true, because when there's a distance in a relationship, guys tend to get curious and stray a lot. Lots of the songs this time around are personal...Like I'm reading Alex Turner's journal entries turned into songs or something. Weird.

dude, your interpretation was so good that i've just created an account to reply to you. thanks, you answered me a lot of questions.

but who do you guys think was the curios one? him: because he wanted to try out another relationship, or her: because she suspected that he was cheating on her and tried to find out more (which she eventually did).

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F**ck I did the same!! I've created an acount just for this! great explanation. And surprisingly it´s something that happened with me a few months ago. Without the explanation part only the grying, so I guess I´m getting it now. Great ! almost speachless.

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For years I have looked at this site, and this comment just got me and I signed up and had to reply. Your comment made me cry, do you know? It reminds me of how my boyfriend and I broke up in early 2008 (we got back together and have been together), and he listened to this song. I've wanted to figure out why he listened to it, and I think it's just because he could relate to this song.

I knew he still loved me, but he broke up anyway because he thought I had found someone else. and I...

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Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

It looks to me like he's telling the end of a relationship, the final minutes, when after the conversation he was driving her back home. it probably ended cause she found out something after questionating him even when he asked her not to, he was feeling guilty and prefering to be punched. and the last minutes, when they get to her home, he's watching her walking away, they both had cried, and then he says to her look for him when she needs help and she got angry, told him to stop flattering himself. And so they can tear apart the ties between them.. nothing better than a 'Fuck Off'..

My Interpretation

Ya got it. Yup. "Nothing better." Great band and track.

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Perfect analysis imo.

The situation everyone has lived once in his life : "Ask anyone they'll tell you that". This endless face to face ending to a break-up. Both of you fight, cry, feel guilty. The last seconds, minutes, hours of the relationship : "The beginning of the end", always painful to live especially when you know it's unavoidable and maybe better for both of you. The rythm / pace of the song fits the lyrics perfectly. Slow when she walked away from the car, as it always looks to your eyes as a slow motion movie, when you hope she's...

Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

I think it's sort of a stream of consciouness of a tormented young man. I think he's fallen in love with someone who he shouldn't/can't/doesn't really want to. Hence the "do me a favour and break my nose/Do me a favour and tell me to go" He's just saying he wants the subject of the song to do something to make him hate her, to give him an excuse to leave.

"As she walked away Well her shoes were untied And the eyes were all red You could see that we'd cried"

I think this is just her running out on hi as he tries to get her to make him hate her. their both crying because neither wants to part, but both feel it's necessary

Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

This song is clearly about breaking up, and I think most people here have got that already. I also got it before but saw it more clearly when my boyfriend dumped me a month ago. This song really means something to me now, and this is how I've interpreted it.

He is breaking up with his girlfriend, he has found another girl, "curiousity becomes a heavy load" and he wants to know what the other girl is like, maybe he could get it better with her? He sees his current relationship disappearing like the car around the bend. He's feeling guilty and wants her to hit him so that he will feel the pain she's feeling. He wants to do something for her because he still respects her, "ask if you need some help". And she sais "stop flattering yourself" cause there's nothing he can do to make her feel better, he has already hurt her enough by not loving her anymore. Not even telling him to fuck off makes her feel better so she ends up saying nothing.

Well, your comment just saves me from having to type out my own interpretation on it, arctic fan! :P Haha. Those are my views on it too.

Except for the "fuck off" part. When I hear it it sounds pretty sarcastic.

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Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

This song, to me, seems to be about the end of a new relationship due to falling out of love, not cheating. I get the sense that the narrator of the song doesn't want to be with his girl anymore, but she still wants him. It's like he's seeing the end of everything just as it's started: "the morning was complete" , "it's the beginning of the end", "went up the hill and disappeared around the bend". And she's asking him all these questions, maybe Why? Why? Why!? And he's like damn just punch me, tell me to fuck off, just stop asking questions!

When he says "Curiosity becomes a heavy load, too heavy to hold...will force you to be cold," I think he's referring to that change from childhood naivety into experienced adulthood. It's like when you don't know anything everything is fine, but clearly in order to grow you must ask questions and discover things for yourself. But no one really knows what they're in for. It's too much of a weight and you become so cold from all the indecent exposure. It's like you don't even care about anything anymore.

Clearly, this guy and girl love each other, but he wants it to end (he just sees the signs in everything around him), but he doesn't care that much--he wants her to punch him, say fuck off, act like she doesn't care, anything! to alleviate his own guilty pain. And she's all disheveled, shoes untied, eyes red, broken heart and still she says "Stop flattering yourself" when he offers help. I Like the last line because it's like after you've been through some stuff with someone, you really need to find the right words to let them know it's over, you've probably said "fuck off" to each other many times before, so how do you know when it's really over? "How to tear apart the ties that bind"?

Sigh...another beautifully written song by Alex Turner

My Interpretation
Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

ok.. this will be long.. but I hope that you read it :)

For me this song is about a break-up. At first I believed, as many of you, that the separation was because one of them cheated. And I still think that it is a fine explanation. But now, after listening to the song many MANY times, I believe that it is a question of growth and long-distance. I see it as something very adolescent, I imagine a teen couple, where he decides, for both sake, break-up now, in spite of the fact that they are loved, because she is going away to college... since it happens to many couples.

For example (I took the lyrics from AM's official site):"ask anyone they'll tell you that. It's these times that it tends, The start to breaking up, to start to fall apart. Oh! hold on to your heart." that's about how starting 'adult' life implies break-ups, new starts, and you have to go through all these things holding on to what you really want in long terms.

'and I watched and I waited,'Till she was inside, forcing a smile and waving goodbye.' she is 'inside' of a plain, she is going away, and he is forcing a smile because he doesn't want her to see him suffering, 'cause it's something good for her.

'curiosity becomes a heavy load, too heavy to hold' she will be away and the curiosity will get in the way, her curiosity for something new, and his to know what she's doing. 'will force you to be cold' be cold and end the relationship right now.

the 'do me a favour' verse is 'cause when you hurt somebody that you love you prefer that person to be mad at you than to see them suffer and feel even worse with yourself for what you've done.

Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

"As she walked away Well her shoes were untied"shit

Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys

i think bueller84 is on the right track. i mean, if he cheated but still wanted to be with her then why would he have to "tear apart the ties that bind", because if she was the one tearing apart the ties, then she wouldn't have forced a smile like she's okay... she'd have walked away and never looked back...And weeks and hours would be just as bleak, because he knows he's going to hurt her.

but i think, he is no longer in love with the girl, or at least is curious to see what else is out there because he isn't necessarily happy in the relationship. She's crying and asking what she did wrong, or why he's ending it. And he's crying because he's hurting her, and even if he no longer loves her, he cares enough not to want to break her heart. That's why he's telling her to ask for help if she gets too sad.

He wants her to yell at him, and break his nose. He wants her to get mad, not sad, but she doesn't because she still loves him. And the more he has to explain to her why he's ending it, the more it hurts her.

It's brilliant. this song is absolutely amazing.

Cover art for Do Me a Favour lyrics by Arctic Monkeys


I found Alex's explanation. I hope it helps!

“It’s about a goodbye, really, and about me being a bit of a knob. Perhaps i were craving to experience something else and looking back and feeling like you were a bit of a knobhead, just in how you perhaps treated that person. It’s just describing a goodbye. That’s another thing, when you’re with someone they seem happier in photos before you met her, or happier in stories from before. I always think they do.” - Alex Turner