If You Were There, Beware Lyrics
Three hundred and fifty no thank yous and nobody flinches
Go on girl go on, give us something gruesome
We require your grief for thugs and the thieves
As they're trying to rob the words from her gob
And take the source of the innocence
You can't you said she was never meant to fill column inches
And you had enough what you're trying to dig up isn't there to be dug
The thieves and the thugs
As they're trying to be the digger graves of her sweet Heart and to the point she'll comply
If I'd have known then I wouldn't have said it
I wouldn't have said it if I'd have known
And I leave her on her own
If I predicted tears then I wouldn't have said it
I wouldn't have said it if I would have known
And our attempts to remind them of reason won't get us that far
I don't know what it is that they want
I don't know what it is that they want
But I haven't got it to give
She hasn't got it to give

I think this song is about the girl in mardy bum and how the sun tracked her down and hasselled her for her story as they do; even though she "was never meant to fill column inches". Something alex feels guilty about for writing mardy bum in the first place... "if i'd have predicted tears then i wouldn't have said it."

the lyrics are wrong :)
"The thugs help the thieves as they're trying to rob the words from her gob and take the swords to the innocence"
"Can't you sense she was never meant to fill column inches Haven’t you had enough, what you're trying to dig up isn't there to be dug"
"The thieves help the thugs as they're trying to beat the good grace of a sweetheart out to the point she'll comply"
"Why? Leave her on her own, if I'd have known, I wouldn't have said it, I wouldn't have said it, if I would have known x2"
and yeah it about the press. alex's ex gf got quite a bit of hassle off em

Oh wow! i'm the first to analyse! awesome! Well i'm pretty sure it's about journalists trying to find a story in nothing, and getting stupid made up quotes from people who once knew someone famous. This one sounds like it's an ex girlfriend they're trying to get info out of... I think there may be an error: "As they're trying to be the digger graves of her sweet Heart and to the point she'll comply" Would make more sense as 'trying to beat the good grace out of a sweetheart to the point she'll comply" I really like this song!

This song is about loss of innocence through manipluating a young girls thought process to adjust to her boyfriends but he remembers that he can't...

does anyone else think that the line "there's a circle of witches ambitiously vicious they are" is a reference to macbeth?!

This is such a beautiful song! A lot of their more thought provoking songs make me think about the death of love, the loss of innocence, and the uncaringness of youth today. And that's exactly what this song makes me think of.
He seems to be saying it's a cruel world, where snakes are just waiting to get a piece of an innocent girl's soul. Everything is business as usual "three hundred and fifty, no thank you's and nobody flinches". And of course, the bad guys are on the same team. They're hounding her to make her say what they want to hear until she's lost her grace. Now another innocent is corrupted.
And it seems that things wouldn't need to be so bad if everyone was reasonable, but that doesn't matter they're "ambitiously vicious" and will do anything to get what they want. And the fact that he says neither of them have it, makes me think that they just want their misery, which is really what those "serpent soul pinchers" are--happiness haters. I love when he says "and whyyyyy leave her on herrrrr oooown"

British tabloid press?

oops sorry i wasn't the first...didn't see you there

I'm sure it's: 'The thugs help the thieves'

,tAn-x was right: "The thieves help the thugs as they're trying to beat the good grace of a sweetheart out to the point she'll comply."
"Why? Leave her on her own, if I'd have known, I wouldn't have said it, I wouldn't have said it, if I would have known."
This, in my opinion, is definately one of the best songs on the album, together with 'Do Me A Favour'. The meaning is clear so I thought I'd just say that.