Matador Lyrics
A very clever girl who stood out amongst several once
A terrible dilemma and forever he’ll regret this day he didn’t make the
Rescue from the bull ring
Sulking won’t get you nowhere son,
There’s blood on your chin where you’ve bitten your tongue
Smitten but might not be smitten for long if you’re still sitting she’ll soon
Be smitten and gone

A terrible dilemma and forever he'll regret this day he didn't make the rescue from the bull ring...(not building) it just makes more sense considering he is a matador and that is the name of the song no?

I think its about Girl loves guy but guy is cheating on girl The girl is very nice and smart so on He ( the person telling the story) wants to rescue the girl from the situation and fall in love Walking around doing nothing wont do anything If you keep your mouth closed nothing will happen Love wont be anything if you sit there and do nothing and shell be gone

all those words fit in 15 seconds of a song

whats your point?

I think his point is that it easily could've been done in a mere 5 seconds.

what are you 2 actually talking about?

Sarcasm much? I haven't actually heard this song, might go look it up. Sounds a bit of all right. (Y)

great guitar riff, which i'm glad takes up more than half of the song, because it's just that good

I love the tongue-twister line: "Smitten but might not be smitten for long if you’re still sitting she’ll soon be smitten and gone"

You don't always need lyrics to tell a story...