Pioneer to the Falls Lyrics
And I will pray that the soul can take
Three stowaways
Vanish with no guile
And I will not pay
But the soul can wait
The soul can wait
With all these leaks
We'll be fine
We'll be fine
With all these leaks
We'll be fine, oh...
And supervise
And I will pray that the soul can take
Three stowaways
And you vanish with no guile
And I will not pay
But the soul can wait
I felt you so much today
You tried.. straight into my heart
You fly.. straight into my heart
Girl, I know you try...
You fly.. straight into my heart
You fly.. straight into my heart
But here comes the fault (fall)
So much of pain's deceit, I'm not prepared to know
Your heart makes me feel
Your heart makes me bold
For always and ever
I'll never let go
Always concealed
Safe and inside -- alive
And I will pray that the soul can take
Three stowaways
In a passion it broke
I pull the black from the grey
But the soul can wait
I felt you so much today
this song, pioneer to the falls, is about the brutal murder of imette st. guillen in 2006 in NYC. the pioneer was the first bar she went to with friends. she left alone and walked to the falls(another bar) at the falls she was kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered. her body was found in the rubble of a vacant lot the next day.
This song has ambiguous lyrics, like most Interpol songs. Therefore it does not likely refer to a singular historical event.
This song has ambiguous lyrics, like most Interpol songs. Therefore it does not likely refer to a singular historical event.
For a band that emphasizes ambiguous lyrics, reference to a particular historical event does not make sense. I think these lyrics contain rich meaning which differ for each person and for each listen/read.
Excellent combination with Banks' baritone vocals.
lol i just got to page three and read all this factual information. isnt that so cool how interpol songs can mean COMPLETELY different things to people?
The first page of this thread is making me positively crap myself laughing. "I think it's about going out with that special someone?" Really? Uh, okay.
Anyway, from the first listen to this song, I immediately thought of a man kneeling at the grave of his lover with their children/family, begging her to take them with her. After reading the comments regarding the song being about the St. Guillen murder, it makes so much sense. The three stowaways could be referring to St. Guillen's best friend who was the last to see her alive, as well as her mother and sister.
Basically, this song is pretty, but it's eerie as hell.
Check out some comments at Radiohead - Climbing up the walls, it's hilarious :D
Check out some comments at Radiohead - Climbing up the walls, it's hilarious :D
Most Interpol songs have cryptic lyrics. This song is definitely no exception. A relation to a particular historical event is unlikely and a stretch of interpretation to stabilize the otherwise rich meanings to an event in 2006 is probably not correct.
Most Interpol songs have cryptic lyrics. This song is definitely no exception. A relation to a particular historical event is unlikely and a stretch of interpretation to stabilize the otherwise rich meanings to an event in 2006 is probably not correct.
I loove this one Heard it for the first time live! It just oozes textures and such
I think its about going out with that special some one
beautiful and flawless.
it flies straight into my heart
Love it. Paul's voice sounds so nice on this track.
This is one of the best Interpol songs so far, but unfortunately he uses such an abstracvt vocabulary that I (as a non-native speaker) don't get the meaning of the song, especially the meaning chorus...
could anyone explicate it to me, please?;)
i think the meaning of this song is in the title. it is called pioneer to the falls. this would be a parallelism to the murder of Imette St. Guillen since on the night of her murder she went from the Pioneer bar to the Falls bar. that's at least my 2 cents. for reference