No Roads Left Lyrics
How did I fall so far behind
Why am I searching for perfection
Knowing it’s something I won’t find
I let myself down again
All because I run
'Til the silence splits me open, I run
'Til it puts me underground
'Til I have no breath
And no roads left but one
Can I regain what’s lost inside
Why do I feel like I deserve this
Why does my pain look like my pride
I let myself down again
All because I let myself down
In my fear and flaws, I run
'Til the silence splits me open, I run
'Til it puts me underground
'Til I have no breath
And no roads left but one
No roads left but one
I let myself down again
All because I run
And the silence splits me open, I run
And it puts me underground
But there’s no regret
And no roads left to run

This song is the best from minutes to midnight bar NONE. Mike is a amazing singer and it angers me how he barley appears in minutes to midnight. This song generaly is something anyone can relate to. We all tend to struggle and runaway from our problems but eventually we have to face them. No matter what they are.

its pretty vague so i guess you could just say that hes experienced a loss and hes just overly critical of himself and possibly blames himself real bummer this couldntve been on the regular album...but it was def worth the preorder just for this song...i like it better than most of the other songs on m2m

i think its about someone who runs away from his problems until he cannot run anymore and eventually has to face them otherwise his fear would consume him.

If all of Linkin Park's b-sides are going to be this good from now on, it's going to be hard to distinguish them from their regular songs. Depending on whether you count it as part of the album, I think that this could be one of the top 4 or 5 tracks on the album or at least so far. That's where I put it right now I guess with the rest of the songs on the album. I've only listened through the full album once though so my opinions on all the songs will probably change after a couple months or so. That's the way it usually works. So far though, this song is just amazing. This is just powerful and so inspiring instrumentally. I'm not sure if I've heard anything quite like this from them or much anyone else. It's similar lyric wise to some songs they've done but instrumentally...this is special. This is them at their finest or almost at least. This will just get better the more I listen to it.

Yea I reckon that this B-side is possibly better than some of the tracks on the album, or it should have been on the album anyway. I saw Mike singing this on the Making of M2M on the special edition DVD which was cool.
Only once through? I have listened through around 20-30 times now, still love it. :)

this song is amazing. while im a big LP fan, i think Minutes was a little bit of a letdown. I can't say I can ever see myself liking a few of the songs on there. But this song is awesome, its everything it needed to be and definately should be on the CD rather than bonus track.

What do you exactly mean? Is on the other side of M2M more songs?
Help me out.

does mike sing all the lead vox on this song??

Wow I didn't know Mike could sing this well! Great song.

This song so ownage I wish there had been more of it I wish it had been longer It would have definitly been a better end to the album than the little things give you away was Its just powerful song