Butterfly Lyrics
I'm your pole and all you're wearing is your shoes
You got soul, you know what to do to turn me on
Until I write a song about you
And you have your own engaging style
And you've got the knack to vivify
And you make my slacks a little tight
You may unfasten them if you like
That's if you crash and spend the night
You got everything you need especially me
Sister you've got it all
You make the call to make my day
In your message say my name
Your talk is all the talk
Sister you've got it all
Ride your tongue along your bottom lip then bite down
And bend your back and ask those hips if I can touch
Cause they're the perfect jumping off point
Getting closer to your butterfly
Oh kiss me with your eyelashes tonight
Or eskimo your nose real close to mine
Let's mood the lights and finally make it right
You got everything you need especially me
Sister you've got it all
You make the call to make my day
In your message say my name
Your talk is all the talk
Sister you've got it all
Let me feel you upside down slide in slide out slide over here
Climb into my mouth now
Damn right, you landed on my ear and then you crawled inside
And now I see you perfectly behind closed eyes
I want to fly with you and i don't want to lie to you
You're an open-minded lady you've got it all
And i never forget a face except for making my own, I have my days
Let's face the facts here, it's you who's got it all
Well let me get paid while i make you breakfast
The rest is up to you, you make the call
You make the call to make my day
In your message say my name
Your talk is all the talk
Sister you've got it all
Hey sophisticated lady, you've got it all
Well you've got it all

I won't disagree that the song is sexual, but if you think he's referring to girly parts as the butterfly I think he's a little more classy than that. I saw it more as a passionate, albeit carnal approach to a very appealing woman with a tattoo OF a butterfly. It's easy as a songwriter to expand on that image and apply it to a broader spectrum. Or he could just be making the allusion to the beautiful and alluring image of a butterfly. Men have certainly used that image before.
The song never really came across as tacky to me. It is definitely a little farther-reaching than his usual style but I thought it was a very catchy and appealing change with the stronger innuendo. Plus this song has a strong groove. It could be a bedroom jam but it's also just funky to walk to.
I agree
I agree

Holy crap thats dirty even for mraz. way to be poetic and subtle ;-)

This song is so deliciously dirty--PERFECT!
Obviously this is Mraz's sexy song about foreplay [obviously his experiences of things that have led up to sex!] and little cute things he likes to do with his girlfriend 'eskimoing kisses'...
I find a reoccuring theme in his song: He really seems to worships the women he dates..in this song it's 'you've got it all except for me' - I think it's more than just 'come over here you're perfect do me!' He can 'see her perfectly behind close eyes' and 'he can't recall a better day'...too adorable!
She makes him happy--even her calling him and leaving a message saying his name makes him happy! How sweet is that?
The knee socks makes me wonder if he has a fetish for school girl type outfits...'all you're wearing is your shoes..' now that. That's ok I'm into that too LOL.
"Climb into my mouth now child" :oO! I almost get turned on watching him play this live on youtube.com.
My favorite lines are "You know that fortune favors the brave well let me get paid while I make you breakfast the rest is up to you who makes the call"--I have a big smile everytime I hear this line....I'm constantly blasting this song in the car---SO great!
Can't wait to see him in concert in a few weeks!
i love how you call it, deliciously DIRTY! Agreed!!
i love how you call it, deliciously DIRTY! Agreed!!

"let me feel you upside down slide in slide out slide over here" oh jasonnnn

surprisingly, i like this song. and the meaning is pretty obvious.

Shoot. This is dirty. This is a Bedroom Jam.
I love the line, "You have a knack to vivify." That' so seductive, that line. Now there's a pick up line. Males of the land, take note!
Great song. I like the direction Jason's going in. Eh. No pun intended here. I meant the direction he's taking his sound into, not his penis. Congrats to him on the fact that everythings working...
I hope his new music will be available to purchase sometime soon.

omg! i was there at the switchfoot bro-am when he was singing that! that was so amazing and probably it made every girl and/or guys want to faint!!!! it was kind of weird because there were a bunch of little kids but w/e the song is so awesome and sexy!

This was even better live, if that's possible. As it was the first time i'd heard it, I was a little taken aback by the lyrics
but it just goes to show how versatile Jason is :) and even if you don't like the lyrics you've gotta admit it's beyond catchy and his talent is incredible.

i believe that it's "especially me" instead of "except for me" in the chorus...

The live verson that I have says "except for me" but the album has "especially me". Last concert I was at had "especially me". Guess he just likes changing it up!