Aint Enough For You Lyrics
Sing you a song that ain't half bad..
But that ain't enough... that ain't enough for you.
Look in your eyes one on one,
But that ain't enough... that ain't enough for you.
And give you the strength to face your fears..
I know I'll never be afraid to say,
"I'm here by your side, and I'm gonna stay.."
Work on my style of give and take..
But that ain't enough... That ain't enough for you.
'Said ain't enough... it ain't enough for you.
And give you the strength to face your fears..
I know I'll never be afraid to say,
"I'm here by your side and I'm gonna stay..
Just a little closer to you, yeah..."
Smile when I'm sad and act dumb when I'm smart...
But that ain't enough... that ain't enough for you.

He lost his lady love, and is trying to win her heart back.. but she is being stubborn. And washing her hands clean of a relationship that he had so much faith in.
.. to be honest, i have no idea. but that's my exact scenario. and the song matches it so plum-deliciously. only i'm the lady, and i lost my man. and out of something that could have been easily worked out, he dropped it. washed his hands clean of everything, and walked away from the relationship. ouch.

It’s about loving someone who is so insecure, that nothing you do or say can convince them that you love them…bending over backwards and twisting into pretzels, but nothing helps them overcome their insecurity.
[Edit: Clarity]


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