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Lost Lyrics

I’m out on my own again
Face down in the porcelain
Feeling so high but looking so low
Party favors on the floor
Group of girls banging on the door
So many new fair-weather friends ooo…

Have you ever been so lost
Known the way and still so lost

Caught in the eye of a hurricane
Slowly waving goodbye like a pageant parade
So sick of this town pulling me down
My mother says I should come back home but
Can’t find the way cause the way is gone
So if I pray am I just sending words into outer space

Have you ever been so lost
Known the way and still so lost
Another night waiting for someone to take me home
Have you ever been so lost

Is there a light
Is there a light
At the end of the road
I’m pushing everyone away
‘Cause I can’t feel this anymore
Can’t feel this anymore

Have you ever been so lost
Known the way and still so lost
Another night waiting for someone to take me home
Have you ever been so lost
Have you ever been so LOST.
Song Info
Submitted by
sophiesomething On Dec 16, 2007
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23 Meanings

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Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

Great melody! I think the lyrics are about a girl who have moved from a small town to the big city and was swollen by all its "wonders". She's made a lot of "fair-weather friends", went to all the parties she could and drank and took some drugs. But now she's waking up to see the mess she's got herself into... and she wants to get out.

Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

I too think this is about a girl who has moved away from home and is out on her own for the first time and shes gotten into partying and drugs (particularly ecstasy or mdma)

Face down in the porcelain (Lying next to the toilet being sick) Feeling so high but looking so low (High on ecstasy but she looks like shit cause shes been partying so hard) Party favors on the floor (Her pills maybe lying next to her) So many new fair-weather friends (When youre on ecstasy everyone is a good 'friend' but they might not be any help)


Caught in the eye of a hurricane (She cant control the way her life is going now) Slowly waving goodbye like a pageant parade (slowly slipping from the life she knew before)

I’m pushing everyone away ‘Cause I can’t feel this anymore Can’t feel this anymore (possibly on a come down at the pary after being sick and she feels like pushing everyone away becuase she doesnt actually know them without the drugs making her sociable)

Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

i think this song is about her leaving her home and everything she's known. But i think its also about her feeling so empty because she doesn't have God in her life anymore. Like when she says, "So if I pray am I just sending words into outer space?" Now that she has turned her back on her religion [or just let it sorta dissolve in L.A.], she thinks the way back to God is lost. ["Can’t find the way cause the way is gone...Known the way and still so lost"] I know non-believers would think that i'm just a crazy christian, but i think only people who have been christians in the past, and have strayed, know that empty, lost feeling inside. and right now i am at that point in my life and thats why i can totally relate to this song. the first time i heard it, i cried. i love this song.

Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

The song has nothing to do with god, the line mentioning -

Can’t find the way cause the way is gone

  • is a continuation of the previous line where her mum askes her to come home to her normal life but she cant becuase she has become stuck in the 'hurricane' and things are spiraling out of control.

There are too many references to parties and drugs to just assume that from one line it is all about religion.

"So if I pray am I just sending words into outer space"

I would say that means she has the intention of going home but becuase the way is gone she doesnt know how to fall back into her old boring life when she knows there is alot more out there. Sort of like ignorance is bliss.

Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

killstar, have you even listened to this song? or are you making your decision based just on reading the lyrics? cuz this is a really good song. maybe you should listen to it.

Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

Excellent song

Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

beautiful song

wish i knew the specific meaning for the lines but yeah, i'm not sure.

Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

fantastic song. I like that she can make songs like Ur So Gay and I Kissed a Girl and then turn around and come up with songs like this and Thinking of You or I Think I'm Ready. KD-P is awesome :D

Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

i'm not saying its all about religion. [ it says "what does this song mean to YOU?" btw. ] but i think its about trying new things and giving up old things of the past. and realizing that new isn't always necessarily better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM9Q7a3qNNA the first like 2 minutes katy perry talks about her feelings on religion and compares it to the lazy river at hurricane harbor how she's just going around and around and her hands are getting pruney and she doesn't know what to do with her life. then they go into "Lost" like a minute later. although she kind of tip - toes around the true meaning of it...

Cover art for Lost lyrics by Katy Perry

On her MySpace page, she dedicates this song to Britney Spears: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycwpo8_vrc8