17 Meanings
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in god's hands Lyrics

i looked at your face i saw that all the love had died
i saw that we had forgotten to take the time
i, i saw that you couldn't care less about what you do
couldn't care less about the lies
you couldn't find the time to cry

we forgot about love
we forgot about faith
we forgot about trust
we forgot about us

now our love's floating out the window
our love's floating out the back door
our love's floating up in the sky in heaven
where it began back in god's hands

you said that you had said all that you had to say
you said baby it's the end of the day
and we gave a lot but it wasn't enough
we got so tired that we just gave up

we didn't respect it
we went and neglected it
we didn't deserve it
but i never expected this

our love floated out the window
our love floated out the back door
our love floated up in the sky to heaven
it's part of a plan
it's back in god's hands
back in god's hands

it didn't last
it's a thing of the past
oh we didn't understand
just what we had
oh i want it back
just what we had
oh i want it back
oh just what we had
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17 Meanings

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Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

To me its about two people who were in a serious relationship and were very much in love and for whatever reason started drifting apart...although both partners were aware of the drifting, neither did anything to improve the situation...and they parted their ways. They still care about each other greatly and miss what they had when it was good but know that something was missing and is accepting of the fact that no matter what they do that 'something' will always be missing in their relationship. They're putting it in God's hands to figure out their fate together or apart.

Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

People that say Nelly sold out should listen to this song.

Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

This song so beautiful! I think it would belong better on folklore rather than mixed in with awful stuff she's coming out with now. Just my opinion..

Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

this song is so sweet. ummm well i kinda need a little bit of help witj the meaning, bt i took it as her and her bf just broken up and now shes leaving it up to God to see wht happens.???

  • hayles -
Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

Alot of ppl are giving Nelly crap about the new creative direction she's taken with her music. But this song just proves that no matter what ppl say, this girl can still manage to capsulize a feeling so beautifully with words. I love this song. To me, its about two ppl who were in a relationship but weren't able to completely appreciate what they had in each other. And eventhough they have gone their seperate ways there is still a love and connection there. From her perspective, she wants to give the relationship a second chance, but she's content to leave it up to fate; not to force anything or pressure it. Such a beautiful song!

Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

i havent heard this song, but i loved the title.

Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

I think this song is about a couple who were madly in love, but slowly things changed and they drifted apart. However, even though they aren't together anymore, their love is "back in God's hands" meaning that if they ever want to get back together, God has their love safe in his hands and will be able to reunite them. Beautiful song, I cried the first time I heard it because it's so nice.

Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

Maybe this is a bit strange but i think this song is about someone who committed a suicide..

Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

breaking up ... clear and simple

Cover art for in god's hands lyrics by Nelly Furtado

Leaving the ultimate fate of a relationship up to the essential Goodness in the universe and oneself, and to acknowledge one' connectedness with that Force has its wisdom. Perhaps, in the melee of love's initial spellbound moments, the divine was forgotten, and love, faith, trust -- and respect for them -- got tired of waiting, and scooted out the back door. Marit Bergman sings "Out on the Piers", and captures some of the feverish side of love in its early stages (see fly2.ws/JcEsadG).

Years ago, people said, G-d willing, and Goodbye meant "G-d be with ye". Nowadays, in Islamic culture, they say "Insh'allah", which means the same.

If only...

Links and Trivia Notes: (1) video of English version of song on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpFf2TYP7Nw (2) a story about Tad from Canada talking about someone who said inshallah http://fly2.ws/VPPVS7P (3) Nelly does the song in Spanish as well. It is called "En Las Manos De Dios". (4) Audio only is here: http://www.seeqpod.com/music/?plid=21a48b7f50 (5) Nina Persson was in a movie called Om Gud Vil (Swedish for G-d willing). See the trailer at http://youtube.com/watch?v=U9tzEF4lNqw [Not sure if these links are supposed to be part of the comments.]